Chapter 11

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They reappear in Hayden's basement, the staircase entrance to the Underworld a few feet behind them.

"Alright," Hayden says, tucking his necklace back under his collar as everybody else takes a second to reorient themselves. "So, what exactly is the plan now?"

"Right," Mal mutters, shaking off the odd so-hot-it's-actually-cold feeling the hellfire left. "We need a replica of Fairy Godmother's wand just in case and we probably need some kind of diversion for the pirates," she says as they make their way up the basement stairs.

"Smoke bombs!" Jay suggests.

"That's perfect! I can get the chemicals I need at Lady Tremaine's," Evie tells them.

"That could work," Mal says with a point.

"By the way, Hayden?" Carlos says, glancing up once again at the bone chandelier.

"Hm?" he hums in question.

"I really don't like your house, man," Carlos tells him honestly.

"Why's that?" he asks with an innocent look that fools absolutely none of them. He snickers at the unamused look Carlos gives him as they tune in to the conversation the girls are having.

"Dizzy did this," Mal is saying, gesturing at her hair.

"Little Dizzy? Shut up!" Evie exclaims.

"I know. I'm, like, loving it," Mal says as she runs her fingers through her hair. "It's a lot lighter."

"I'm so proud of her," Evie says.

The boys all exchange looks. Jay pointedly clears his throat to get Evie and Mal's attention.

"Hello?" Carlos calls. They both look over and he tosses his hand up in a 'seriously?' way.

"Right," Evie mutters.

"Carlos, Jay," Mal says, clapping her hands together, "you guys get the fake wand and meet us at Pirate's Bay no later than noon. You guys, losing is not an option," she reminds them.

"Hopefully it won't even come down to a real fight," Evie adds with a pointed look at Hayden.

He shrugs. "I'll do what I can but once Uma's got an idea in her head..."

"She's stubborn," Mal agrees with a roll of her eyes.

Jay reaches out and shoves lightly at Hayden's shoulder. "And just what are you gonna be doing while we're gathering supplies?" he asks with a knowing smirk.

Hayden ducks his head for a second before he looks up with his own smirk and blushing cheeks. "Me? I have a pirate to go see," he tells them. He turns on his heel and starts toward the front door, ignoring the small squeal he hears from Evie. "Close my door when you leave," he calls over his shoulder.

Hayden makes his way through the Isle, enjoying the abundance of shadows he can stick to, so different from the brightness of Auradon. He expects things to go the same as they always had before he left the first time but, well, it's a bit different.

As he walks through the Isle streets and alleyways, Hayden notices something odd. The last time he was on the Isle and the entire time he lived there, almost everyone he came across would either actively try to avoid him or, at the least, shy away from him.

It's different now.

Sure, people still seem to instinctually draw back from him and the general Underworld aura he carries but... They also tip their hats as he passes. They nod their heads and offer loose salutes.

A small group of younger kids he passes by nudge at each other and start talking in excited whispers, wide eyes and smiles lighting up their grubby little faces as they point first at Hayden then at a skull and roses painted on an alley wall.

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