Chapter 15

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"Hercules," Ben says in surprise as he sees the two newcomers. "Megara."

Understanding dawns on the other four's faces as they all glance over at Hayden to see his reaction, hiding smiles at the pure annoyance on his face.

"Sorry to just kinda barge in," Hercules says.

"Not really," Meg interjects.

"Anyway," he continues, obviously used to his wife's comments, "we just came to share some news from Olympus that, uh, might just be of interest to you guys."

"The meetings the Olympians have been having," Ben says in understanding. "I assume this means they've come to some kind of agreement about... whatever they've been discussing?"

"They have," Hercules says with a nod.

Hayden notices with some level of amusement that the other godling is making sure to only look at Ben. He hasn't allowed his eyes to drift in Hayden's direction even once.

"Ol' Polly had a vision," Meg drawls, her arms crossed and hip cocked in a way that makes more than one of the queens in the room look at her in disdain.

Hercules sighs. "Don't call him Polly," he tells her.

She rolls her eyes. "Fine. Apollo had a vision. Long story short, it was time for the whole Hades situation to be re-evaluated." She smirks and looks right at Hayden. "Situation, in this case, including his kid."

Hayden cocks one eyebrow in her direction. "Is 'situation' what we're calling unjust imprisonment then?" he asks bluntly.

Hercules flinches as he says it while Meg just tilts her head in acknowledgment of the truth behind his assessment.

"Yes," Hercules reluctantly agrees. "That's why we've been dealing with so many meetings lately," he explains. "The Olympian council's been, uh, discussing how to handle things."

"They've been arguing like children," Hayden concludes. He may never have personally met any of the Olympians, but he knows his history and he knows how to read between the lines.

He doesn't have to take part in one of their meetings to know how unproductive they often are.

"Got it in one," Meg agrees easily.

"Excuse me," Snow White interjects, "but why exactly would that be of interest to us?"

Hayden can't help but wonder if he's the only one that notices the way she only gestures at the royal council as she says it.

"Gods," Meg scoffs, "you people really are arrogant, aren't you?"

"Meg," Hercules says with a pointed look. Still, he never actually disagrees.

"Since when do the Olympians put so much on a prophecy?" Hayden asks. "I mean, Cassandra's Curse existed for a reason. Prophets never get the credit they should." He rolls his eyes when he sees the confusion on the faces of almost everyone in the room.

These people really don't know their history, he thinks.

"Oh, this one gets due credit," Meg drawls.

"The, uh, the Fates actually showed up," Hercules explains.

"The Fates," Mal repeats blankly as almost everyone else in the room can feel their eyes widen in surprise.

Hercules nods. "They kinda laid things out and, long story short, Hades' restriction to the Underworld is being revoked."

More than one shocked gasp sounds as Hayden just stares at him in boredom. "Were they speaking in verse?" he asks with a slight smirk.

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