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As soon as I got home I deposited my unused light cycle rod back where it had been and sat down on my bed. Bringing up my newsfeeds, I searched "Renegade." Almost instantly, I had results. Old and new news reports, confirmed and suspected sightings, and propaganda. Of course propaganda. 

Dismissing the propaganda, I began to download all the news stories I could about this guy. All the sightings. I needed to know as much as I could. Knowledge is power, someone said once. 

Maybe, if I found the Renegade, I'd find my friend. 

As I was downloading, there was a knock on my door. Strange, no one ever came calling at this time, at the beginning of a cycle. I put down my datapad, and walked to the door. When I opened it I nearly gasped. 

Standing in front of me was Commander Paige, Tesler's other commander. She was a stern - faced orange program. Her hair covered one eye completely. She fixed me with a stern look. 

"Arrosa, isn't it?" Her voice was clipped, straight, and to the point. "You came in to report that your friend had gone deviant. Turned in a recording, right?"

"Y - yes. I did." I straightened myself up a bit. "Is something wrong? Did Ferz turn up?" I sounded a little hopeful when I said the last part. 

"No, we still have not found your friend. However I have come to ask a favor of you." 

"What can I do?" I said, straightening myself again. 

"I've been looking over your file. It says that you are an informant and analytical program that is currently out of a job."

"Yes. That's right." That was where I got my natural curiosity and desire for knowledge from. 

"I'm going to offer you a job. I'm putting together a team of talented programs like yourself to form a department of sorts. To deal with the Renegade. I need programs good at dealing with information and good at analysis. You fit the bill perfectly." 

I sat there, shocked. A job? Within Tesler's army, even. I hadn't been needed for quite a few cycles. And now...I was just offered a gem. Few programs ever got a chance like this. 

"You don't need to answer now." Paige broke the silence. 

"Oh! Sorry, I...yes! I'll take the job. Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it. I'm happy to help" 

Paige seemed to smile. "I'm glad to hear you're eager. Come with me, you don't need to bring anything." Then she stood up and walked out. 

I followed her after a second, leaving my datapad on the table. 

Outside the apartment block stood a small armored tank. She beckoned for me to come inside and I followed her. 

Inside it was a bit dim. Two other programs stood around a small table. Both were your standard non - occupation blue. One was a gangly and thin man, with close - cropped hair and a computer eyepiece. The other was a tall, heavy built man with stubble and longer hair that went to his ears. They both cast a glance as I walked in, then the tall one was staring at me. I was used to it, me being pink and therefore not the same color as everyone else, but his stare made me a little uncomfortable. I smoothed my hair to calm myself down. 

"This is Alvis," Paige gestured to the thin man, who looked up at the sound of his name and nodded crisply, "And this is Boxer." The tall man looked over, and gave a little wave.  

"Hey...I'm Arrosa." I said, feeling a little shy. I straightened my hair a little and smiled nervously. 

"I'll leave you all to get acquainted. In the meantime I will be up in the cockpit." Paige strode to the front of the tank, leaving the three of us alone. 

Alvis looked back down at the table, and pulled up some screens. Boxer, however, came over and gave a warm smile. "No need to be nervous. You're in friendly territory." He held out his hand for me to shake. "It's nice to meet you, Arrosa. Can I just call you Rose?" 

Although we had only met seconds ago I felt at ease with this man. "Yeah, that's alright. It's really nice to meet you, Boxer." I took his hand and shook it, giving a smile. "I really look forward to looking with you."

"Boxer, come on. We don't have time for chat." The thin man finally spoke. His voice was sharp and clipped, almost like he was trying to save words. 

"Lighten up, Alv. We got a new friend!" Boxer turned back to me, smiling. "He's so serious all the time - he must have no room for fun in his programming."

"It's Avis!" he snapped, turning away from the monitor at last. "And we need to get working again, do you forget we have a very important job to do? We need to track down the Renegade and bring peace to Argon City!"

"First of all, Alvis, we have a new colleague and you barely say hello?" Boxer sounded annoyed. "Like I said, lighten up man! We can't overwhelm her with work the second she gets on the job!"

Alvis simply glared at him and walked to another compartment. "I'm going to go in the very back - maybe I can find a place to work in peace!" We heard a door open and shut. 

"Geez...he's always so uppity. Thinks he's hot stuff just because he was the first one on the project." Boxer rolled his eyes. "Between you and me... I think that we're no closer to catching the Renegade then we were before. I've been on this job for about a single cycle and we haven't really been successful at catching anything."

"Well...maybe your luck will change." I offered a smile. "So, how did you get the job?"

"Well...I was working for a shipping company over in another city. I was one of their best organizers - I was able to get things done quickly and efficiently. One day I received a message, saying that there was a better job opening in Argon City, and well...I ended up here!" He gestured with his arms. "How about you?"

"Well, actually, it started this morning. I went to turn in a recording to a guardpost because it was related to the Renegade, and - "

"Wait, a recording? You got the Renegade on film?"

"No...it was a recording of my good friend saying that he was going to join up with the Renegade..." She sighed. "I had to turn it in. Maybe...they could find him and bring him back to his senses. Anyway, when I turned it in, It wasn't very long before Paige herself was knocking at my door and offered a job. And so I'm here now."

"I'm sorry about your friend...that must've hit hard." His voice was gentle. 

"Yeah...it was a shock." I lowered my head. "But...maybe if we find the Renegade we'll find my friend."

"That's right! Always look on the bright side!" He smiled and patted my shoulder. "Now, let's get to work! We should almost be at our headquarters now..."

As if on cue the tank stopped. I hadn't noticed when it started because I was talking. 

Paige walked into the room. "Alright. We've arrived at headquarters." She looked around. "Where's Alvis?"

"He went to the backroom." Boxer said dismissively. "He couldn't be bothered to say hello to Rose here."

Paige looked at me then back at Boxer. "Tell him it's time to disembark." Then she walked out of the room, presumably out of the tank. 

Boxer smiled. "Come on, I'll show you around. We've got sweet digs. The newest technology. You're gonna love it here. Also, your stuff will be transferred over to your new room."

"Well, all I really have is my light cycle and my datapad...wait, new room?"

"Yeah! It comes with the job." He stepped out of the tank with me after calling Alvis. 

"Whoa..." I looked at the building in front of me. It was a big, black building, with orange lines cutting through it. The symbols of Tesler and CLU shone proud on the front of the building. 

"Welcome to your new home." Boxer took my hand gently and smiled. "I'll show you around!"

As I walked up to that building with Boxer, I couldn't help but smile as this new chapter of my life began. 

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