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I walked out of the bar, supporting Boxer a little. Alvis had declined to come, saying that he needed to keep going on research and all. Boxer had decided to overdose on energy (he was apparently a party animal) and so I was the one who had to get him back home without him falling over every five seconds. So that was going to be a challenge...he was bigger than I was. 

Somehow I made it to the train without him falling on me. I paid for two tickets back to the area where I lived now, and then got him on a seat. He muttered a slurred, "thanks" before falling asleep against the window. I sighed.  This is why I never drank much at all. I was relieved when we started moving - I wanted to get home. 

I watched the scenery fly by as the train sped along. I never thought I'd ever end up here - working alongside the biggest scientists in Argon City, handpicked by Paige herself. It was almost surreal. Most programs never get this opportunity. 

I was jolted from my thoughts when the train stopped. I startled and looked around. Other programs were muttering too, confused as well. Boxer woke up beside me, and looked around. "Are we home yet?" He still sounded slightly groggy. 

"No, the tram just...stopped." I said, looking around once again. 

"Huh. That never happens." Boxer said, still slightly out of it. He leaned against the window again. "Tell me when we get home..."

Just then a loud announcement came over the loudspeaker. "All programs prepare your discs for inspection. All programs prepare your disc for inspection."

There was a loud grumble of disappointment. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously? Now? It's getting late!" 

Boxer sat up, he looked annoyed as well. "Geez...they always do these at the most inconvenient time." But he took his disc off his back anyway. I took mine off as well, and looked around. Some programs were talking, others were getting their disc ready, and others were just sitting there, looking annoyed, discs in hand. Sometimes I felt these checks were unnecessary and a waste of time, but I wasn't gonna be the one to tell Tesler that. 

The guards began moving up the car, checking discs. There were four of them. As usual, they looked imposing. Boxer shifted next to me, waking up a little and trying to shake of the effects of the overload. I inspected my disc for a second, it's usual strong pink light dimmed a little in the brightness of the tramcar lights. Yep, still normal. These checks made me nervous, nonetheless. 

Eventually it was our turn. Boxer and I handed over our discs to the guards and waited. I saw them look up briefly when they saw we were with the government, but they didn't say anything. I glanced out the window, and seeing nothing but the wasteland, turned my attention to the task at hand. Boxer sighed and shifted impatiently. Having nothing else to do I glanced out the window again, and I saw - 

A light cycle darting through the wasteland. 

I frowned and rubbed my eyes, checking my programming for glitches. Was I just tired, and that light cycle a trick of the light? I opened my eyes and the cycle was gone. I nodded to myself and turned back to the guards, with a smile on my face as they handed Boxer and I our discs back and announced us clear. They moved onto the next row and I settled in my seat, leaning against Boxer a little. Boxer leaned against the window and was close to falling asleep when a lot of things happened at once. 

The train rocked suddenly. Boxer startled up. The lights flickered. The guards stumbled. People began to mutter and someone yelped. I startled up and looked out the window. Still nothing. What was going on?

"Attention. Intruder on the train. Attention. Intruder on the train." The metallic voice of the warning system rang out. At this announcement programs began to freak out. Some clutched at their neighbor. Some began to visibly shake. Some pulled their discs out, ready for combat. The guards tensed, maybe in reaction to the intruder, maybe a reaction to the fact that there could be a full - scale battleground here. Others simply tensed, and looked at everyone else with a distrustful side eye. 

Pink, RisingWhere stories live. Discover now