Conclusion of Thrones

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Jon Snow, now having been "democratically" elected King of the North, is now referred to as Jon Stark. He was not issued an official edict removing his bastard title from King's Landing like Ramsay Bolton had, but the controlling houses of the North have chosen to recognize him as a Stark hence forth. Jon is spending the bulk of his time trying to unify the North, not so he can be king and not so he can make war with the South, but so he can prepare to face the White Walkers. While some Northern houses still don't recognize him and a few small skirmishes have or will take place, he is de facto ruler of the North and eventually all of the North does fall into line under his command. Arya Stark at the same time is sweeping through Westeros secretly killing the enemies of House Stark and silently working to support the rise of her believed to be only remaining siblings. At this point it is believed by everyone who knew her, including her siblings, that she is dead. Queen Cersei (and Jaime) is not happy with the North's new found unity and self-rule, but they are currently not in a position to openly start a war over it.

Cersei is not loved as Queen. The South is on the brink of Civil war over the fact that the Iron Throne is currently occupied by a woman who literally murdered her in-laws, an entire religious sect that she essentially put into power, and the only house that was able to rival her own all at the same time in the middle of King's Landing. While no one can prove that it was her, many people believe it was. Between the political unrest in the South and the fact that House Lannister is not as financially sound as they would have everyone believe (this was expressed all the way back when Tywin Lannister was still alive), there is no way for her to actually do anything about the North currently. But because Jon Stark has no designs on expanding south and wishes only to defeat the White Walkers, which the bulk of Southerners still don't believe to be real, Cersei currently isn't too worried about them. Her bigger concern is the reports that Daenerys Targaryen is sailing from Meereen with a fleet of ships and a gigantic army of mercenaries, Dothraki horsemen, and three dragons. That and the fact that her brother, Tyrion, whom she tried to have wrongfully executed, is acting as the lead advisor to the head of this army is Cersei's main worry. The South as a whole is worried about the coming invasion and that's essentially the only thing holding back the civil war over the current Queen. While many people may not like having Cersei on the Iron Throne, no one wants to go back to the days of mad Targaryen rule.

Daenerys, being the inexperienced and arrogant leader she is, wants to make landfall directly at King's Landing but decides not to at the advising of Tyrion who explains that you can't take the most heavily guarded city in all of Westeros by sea with an army of horsemen. You'll never be able to get the ships unloaded in time. He also says that rather than lead with open war they should try to reason with houses first and see if they can make a smooth transition into power. Daenerys agrees to dock somewhere away from King's Landing and unload the Dothraki, but will not agree to try and take the Iron Throne peacefully. She has been planning this invasion for years and her army of cutthroats and raiders did not sail across the world for a sit down with tea and crumpets. There will be blood. How much blood depends on those who try to fight back. It's decided that they will split the Dothraki into two armies. One goes with Daenerys to invade King's Landing by land. At the same time, Theon and Yara take their ships and will invade King's Landing from the sea. The other Dothraki force will attack Casterly Rock so the Lannisters will not be able to help Cersei and King's Landing during the invasion. This plan goes off almost flawlessly and Daenerys does forcibly take the Iron Throne, but Rhaegal (Daenerys' green dragon) is killed during the siege. The dragon was brought down by zombie Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane, who was also killed in the process. Daenerys is enraged at the loss of one of her dragons and she takes it out on Cersei with torture, rather than just executing her. Jaime was going to be executed but Tyrion talks Daenerys into throwing him in prison instead, citing the fact that Tyrion is only alive to advise her because Jaime helped him escape.

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