chapter five

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"Man, I wish microwaveable popcorn was a thing when we were kids. Remember what a pain it was to make popcorn over the stove?"

You and Jungkook were sat up against the side of his bed, a bag of popcorn in between you.

"I once set an entire pot of kernels on fire when I was ten. The whole stovetop just whooshed into flames."

You nodded at Jungkook's words, "You know, that really doesn't surprise me."

"Yeah?" Jungkook laughed.

"I always figured you were a chaotic child," You mused, taking a swig from the bottle of vodka, "my question is... why were you allowed to use the stovetop unsupervised at ten years old? Where were your parents?"

"Lawyer parents, remember? I did whatever the hell I wanted."

You frowned, "Well, what happened? Did you burn the house down?"

Jungkook took this moment to grab the bottle from you, taking a sip of his own.

"Hmm? Oh no, the maid just put it out, and I went upstairs to play Atari or something." He shrugged. You rolled your eyes.

"You rich kids are annoying."

Jungkook merely flashed you a smile, popping a kernel into his mouth as he chewed it languidly.

"Did you know that Francis Crick and James Watson didn't actually discover the double helix shape of DNA?" You brought up suddenly, eyes wide.

"What?" Was all Jungkook could reply, too drunk to understand the sudden turn the conversation had taken.

"Yeah! They actually based their findings on a colleague's. Rosalind Franklin. Her images are what revealed DNA to be in the shape of a helix."

Jungkook's said nothing, his eyes quietly resting on you, clearly intoxicated.

You quirked up an eyebrow, "What?"

"Nothing you're just... so lame." He observed.


"No, no, no. Lame but, like, in a cool way."

"Was that meant to be a compliment? Because I'm still offended." You deadpanned.

"Isn't it interesting that even when drunk you're still a nerd? Like does your brain ever shut off?" Jungkook continued, eyebrows furrowing as if your intelligence was indeed some unsolved mystery.

"Are you even listening to me, meathead? Rosalind Franklin discovered DNA's shape yet those two dinguses got all the credit! How the hell is that fair?"

"Woahhhh... that's kinda bunk." Jungkook's eyes went round.

"Totally bunk!" You emphasized, throwing your hands up in disbelief.

For a moment, silence fell over the two, soaking in the injustice of it all.

Jungkook was the first to break the silence.

"Tell me about the best sex you've ever had."

Your eyes flickered over to him, equal parts confused and surprised at where he had chosen to take the conversation.

Then again... this was Jungkook you were talking about.

"Mine was the night after prom in my car outside my date's house."

You hardly paid Jungkook's confession any mind, too in your head to even absorb any additional information.

"Well, I've only ever been with Erik..." You explained vaguely, still trying to sort through all your sexual encounters with your ex.

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