chapter six

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"—So that being said, would you say neurological processing is at risk?"

There was a clock in your room, Jungkook realized. Its frame was a strange jaundiced-looking color, the face of it black with contrasting white numbers.


It was an unsightly thing, he decided. He wasn't sure how he hadn't noticed it before, but god it was butt ugly. Who on earth let you buy such a wretched thing.

"Meathead, are you even listening to me?" These words rang more evident than the previous two times, a pinched edge to your voice.


"Spina Bifida?" You pressed, causing him to furrow his brows.

"God bless you?" He joked, eliciting an irritated huff from you.

Jungkook giggled to himself, tightening his grip around your waist. You were currently sat on his lap, the two of you tucked underneath your desk as you were attempting to study for your shared lab exam.

How he managed to convince you to sit on his lap is beyond him, it seemed as if you had a hard time saying no to him these days, and he'd be a fool not to use that to his advantage. Besides, it wasn't as if he was planning on doing anything dirty, he just liked having you close. You were always warm and smelled especially lovely today. He wasn't even thinking about the fact that you were wearing a skirt and could easily slip his fingers under your panties.

Or at least, he wasn't until now.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Uh... yes, there are neuro risks." Jungkook buried his face into the crook of your neck.

You sighed, paying the affectionate gesture no mind. Jungkook was extra clingy to you today for whatever reason, which you weren't opposed to, but you certainly would put an end to this compromising position if it meant he wasn't going to take studying seriously.

"You totally just guessed." You accused flatly.

"Nope. I'm paying attention."

You looked over your shoulder, squinting at the boy, "Oh yeah? Define Anencephaly."

A blank look washed over the handsome boy's face.


"It's a condition in which the main portion of the brain above the brain stem develops improperly," you reminded him, "I literally talked about it right before I began talking about Spina Bifida."

Jungkook shrugged, "So, I zoned out for a few terms. I got lost in my thoughts. Sue me, nerd."

"Our exam is tomorrow. What the hell are you thinking about?"

"A lot of things. Like what I want for dinner, how ugly your clock is, and how easy it would be to sink my cock into you like this."

You froze, not expecting such blunt honesty. Annoyingly, heat found your cheeks, but you refused to clue him in onto the way he had flustered you just now.

"Seriously? We're supposed to be studying." You turned your nose up at him.

"And we are. Otherwise, I would be balls deep inside you." Jungkook muttered bitterly into your shoulder, placing a kiss there.

"Y-You're so gross."

His kisses began to trail onto your neck. Despite your words, you felt yourself leaning into him, enjoying the feeling.

"I know." He cooed. "But it'd feel so good from this angle, you know. Your tight little pussy absolutely milking my cock—"

"Jungkook!" You all but shrieked, face absolutely ablaze. "Stop that, we're going to study now!"

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