chapter eight

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"Mom told you I was coming down for Christmas, right?" You chirped into your phone's earpiece, pressing it between your cheek and shoulder as you needed both hands to slip on your socks.

You had just finished brushing your teeth when your phone began to ring; you were surprised but delighted to hear your sister Rosa greet you from the other end. It felt like ages since you had spoken to either of your sisters. Sure, you gave your parents a ring every weekend, but your siblings had their own lives to worry about, you assumed.

"Not even! You know, Sammy broke up with his girlfriend last month, so he's spending it with us for once." Your elder sister replied.

You stretch your legs out in front of you, still stiff from sleep.

"All of us on one couch again, huh. That hasn't happened since the final episode of M.A.S.H premiered on TV."

"God, I've never seen Dad cry as much as he did that night." Rosa reminisced, pulling a giggle from you as you replied the memory on your head. Your entire family with their noses pressed to the television's screen, bidding farewell to a story and cast you had loved since you were seven.

"So when are you coming down then? Has winter break started for you guys yet?"

"Not yet," you told her, "and I still have to ask Jungkook if he'd want to drive down together."


You froze, the fact that your family had no idea about your fake boyfriend completely slipping your mind.

"H-He's a friend. We went to the same high school and... yeah..." You trailed off pathetically, feeling extremely vulnerable talking to Rosa about a boy.

The last she knew about your love life was the proposal... and your rather hasty return of the ring.

"A friend." She repeated knowingly. "And will I be meeting said friend sometime this Christmas?"

Two knocks against the dorm door rang out suddenly, momentarily distracting you.

Jungkook? Meeting your family?

The idea should have made you snicker, easily dismissible, but sat in your small dorm room, on the very bed you and Jungkook often hung out on, you couldn't help but picture yourself sat at your family's dinner table, a Christmas dinner laid out in front of you.

You couldn't deny how easy it was to picture him sitting beside you, chatting happily with everyone. Jungkook was important to you, in more ways than you cared to admit, and the idea of your family knowing that made your stomach flood with butterflies.

"Um... maybe, actually. Yeah."

You hardly heard your sister's noise of excitement as another series of knocks pulled you from your thoughts, these louder in volume.

Alright, alright.

You sighed, "Hey, I'm sorry, someone's at the door. I've got to go, Rosa. Tell Lia I said hi?"

"You got it, dude." Was your sister's cheeky reply, a soft clang ringing out as you hurriedly placed the earpiece back onto the rotary phone.

You wondered who was at the door? It couldn't be Yara as she had left for her first class not even ten minutes ago. Maybe it was your dorm floor's RA?

Yanking the door open, you meet the eyes of an anxious-looking Jungkook, his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Well, you're up early." You quirked up an eyebrow.

"Can I come in?" He ignored. You frowned.

"Of course."

Jungkook stepped forward in an instant, shutting the door behind him.

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