Part 5 How can I mend this?

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I finally decided that I would leave the mountain and go back to the valley. Besides, I wanted to work for The Salvation Army as a bell ringer, again.
At this time, my son would still talk to me over the phone. When I left the mountain he had asked me if I would go into a rehab for 30 days. At first, I said, "No." I was in the middle of a lawsuit and going into rehab would probably make me lose my case, so I tried to explain that to him. He accused me of choosing money over family. I told him that was not true. I was very tired of renting rooms and living in someone else's house. Sharing a bathroom with any and all visitors my landlords had over. I just wanted my own place.
Anyway, I did ask my supervisor at the S.A. about a 30 day program and he said he would see what he could do. They only had programs that started at 6 months. So, I called my son and told him about it and that I would be notified if he found a place for me.
That evening, I got a call from my daughter-in-law. Here's how that went;
"Hello, moms, (that's what she always called me), its me, April. Listen, James and I have been discussing, at length, what you told him about a rehab and we both agree that you should do a 6 month program, not 30 days." My heart stopped. The world stopped spinning. I could hardly breathe.
When I found my voice, I shouted, "No! You two have always gave me a hurdle to jump and when I do, you throw out a couple more. You know I can't just cut 6 months out of my life and do that. I have doctors appointments to keep. I won't do it, April."
At which she responded,"We figured you would refuse so I have to tell you that you can no longer call the kids. We don't want you coming here or going to James's work. If you violate those restrictions, we will take out a restraining against you!"
I couldn't even take a breath! It felt like a 100 pound weight had been dropped on my chest.
Why such drastic measures. I had agreed to one thing but they wanted another. I wanted to die.
I hung up the phone and I cried for hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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