Thanksgiving Special

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Requested by no one lol

"Poppet~! I need help with a few things, okay?" Oliver says to you in the kitchen. You reply with a nod and tie your hair back with a rubber band that was laying around (If your hair is too sort to tie back then just ignore this last sentence). Oliver hands you ingredients to make a pumpkin pie.
"I'll get started on the turkey while you get started on that!" He winks.

(Timeskip because you'll lose interest in the cooking process plus I'm way too lazy)

After all the cooking was done Francois began to set the table. All he did was chuck the silverware on the table...
It was weird everyone celebrated this holiday in the FACE family house. Especially that Allen was the only american/Allen and you were the only americans...
But this holiday was an excuse to taste some of Ollie's delicious turkey!
Speaking of turkey...
You stare at the rich, meaty, mouthwatering turkey...
'It must suck for Allen to be a vegan...' You think as you reach out to grab yourself a leg of the turkey.
A knife whizzes past your head.
You turn white.
You look up expecting Oliver but instead it's...Matt?
"I want some, too. Plus Oliver's goin' to be pissed if you eat it before dinner." Matt says from across the room, glaring down at you. You back away from the turkey, with both hands up in the air (like they do on those weird cop shows that everyone seems to watch).
Allen walks down the stairs to see a huge cooked turkey sitting on the table. His face scrunches up in disgust.
"Thank god I don't have to eat that piece of shit..."
You raise an eyebrow. "It's fucking amazing..."
Matt points at a salad. "Better than your rabbit shit..."
Allen gives you both the 'double bird'.
"Everyone to the table~!" Oliver practically jumps down the stairs, bursting with excitement.

(Quick Time Skip)

"Francois...? Can you not smoke at the table? We're about to pray..." Oliver smilies across the table to him. Francois mummers something and sticks the cigarette into his napkin. "Alright! Let's say grace..." Oliver looks up to see everyone (yes, even you) grabbing themselves gigantic portions and already eating. You all freeze. Oliver face palms and grabs himself some food also. "I guess we'll just skip grace and do it on Christmas..."

Sorry if everyone seems a tad bit OOC. Even though people say you can't leave the Hetalia fandom...I kinda did...
I'm still taking requests by the way. Don't think I'll do them right away, it might take months or maybe even years! XDDDDD Anyway I hoped you all enjoyed this really short quick chapter! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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