gotta help Mr Fishner

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When I see Brian, the only feeling that resurfaces my heart is gratitude.

I smiled. "Mr Fishner, how can I help you? "I said.

Brian pulled me out of the door.

If I tell you what thoughts skimped in my head that second would make you deliberately refer me to a slut.

Brian fishnet is pulling my hand. His touch god, it's precious. It's not like Allan is coming back anymore. How wonderful it would be if Brian loved me?

Then, that would be a great smack on Allan's face.

But I did refrain my brain from building castles in air. I chided myself such a very thought is a heinous crime. You aren't supposed to think like that about someone who helped you out in dire situation.

But still I am a woman. Brian is an extremely charming young man. Smoking hot to be frank.

There are lot of smoking hot guys around me. But unfortunately they don't date me.

"hey" Brian said. I love a cup of coffee from this crowded shop in there. You know how it would be if I walk in. I can't let my fans know I am here.

I grabbed him a coffee.

"here you go"i said.

"wanna go on a stroll?"he asked.

"how can any girl in sane mind deny of the great Brian fishner ask her for a stroll? "I said grinning like a moron.

"I don't want you to come out because I am a celebrity. I want you to accept to stroll around with a young man called Brian"he said.

I didn't know what to answer or what he really meant. When I really never know the answer I tend provide a blank smile.

He held my hands and took me to the river adjacent to the house. It's Beautiful here I exclaimed.

"I will show you something"he said pulling me over to the forest. We treaded deeper and deeper which induced a slight tenebrosity considering my recent advents.

He pulled me into a tiny waterfall. We bumped into a cave with a tiny clearing where the small waterfall flowed in every direction. The Sun rays danced in the reflection of the water. A tiny rainbow formed in it. The wild flowers ornate the bushes along the sides. In the cave there was a large piano.

This is where I learnt to play as a kid.

"wow"i exclaimed unable to take in the details of the place.

He went to the forte and chimed in a tune such a brilliant piece that attenuated the ambience.

"people easily fall for musicians , don't they elena"he asked.

I smile." Music makes musicians irresistible. "I blurted.
I bit my lip as I blurted out inappropriate things.

"do you consider me irresistible elena"he asked.

I provided a vague broken smile in reply. "actually  I meant"

"no need to explain "he laughed his voice like glass.

He resumed playing. I looked out as the sunlight glistened the shimmer of the water drops wafting over the flowers.

The music reverberated through the water. Sun went down slowly as dusk crawled in, the air grew dank. The tiny droplets drenched me making me shiver, my teeth chattering in response.

Suddenly I felt warm as Brian put his sweater over me and resumed playing.
how considerate, but coldness seem to affect him too. He didn't look like the great Brian fishner anymore. He just looked like a overgrown kid with pale fingers. He was flinching in cold.

A strange sensation took over me. I hugged him stating "I'll hug you then you won't feel cold anymore "

He stared at me baffled then his lips broke into a grin.

I then realised this wasn't Mike. What in the name of god I am doing.

I pulled back"i am sorry. I thought you were Mike for a second "

He frowned"So is Mike and you in a relationship? "

"no, he is my friend. He has a lot of girlfriends. We are more like family "I told.

"he he, you can think I am Mike and keep on hugging me"he said.

I gave out an embarrassed faint smile.

At a distance, I heard Mike's voice calling out to me.

Thanks Mr Brian. It was wonderful. I am wanted in the house. I ran off before I can utter anymore stupidity.

I hate myself for being so absurd.
Do let me know,  how do you feel the story is going...! NEXT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CHAPTER EVER.... MOST ANTICIPATED!

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