An adversity

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I gaped at grandpa.

"I am staying at girls dorms"i said

"I don't know, I am coming with you if you leave"i said.

"Now, I am sleepy. Go sleep"he said with a smug look.

"I have no idea what to do"i told to myself. I walked out of the room.

I stared at the inebriated Mike fast asleep on the couch . My eyes met Allan's I don't know why but I can't look directly on to his eyes .

"what did grandpa tell? "Allan asked coming closer to me.

I quivered in astonishment. I can't explain how much his presence tend to make me so self conscious. Why is he unaffected? I thought to myself as He asked so casually as if we were such good acquaintances all along.

I stammered "grandpa....grandpa wants to come with me"

"where? " he asked.

"where ever I am going"i said annoyed by the fact he is interrogating me like a school kid caught red handed in a mischief.

He pulled me to grandpa's room. Do you know how much my heart raced as his skin touched mine. His hands were cold, the very touch made me want to whimper. The very touch swarmed up a million butterflies in my stomach.

Grandpa pulled the sheets over his head as he saw us entering.

"Old man, stop your antics"Allan said.

"Dont disturb elders who are taking rest Allan"he said.

Allan pulled the chair still holding my hand. And positioned himself on it .

"Old man"he said letting out a chuckle. "so what is the deal?"

Grandpa peeked out of the blanket"this is what I call speaking the language I know"

"Elena will stay here or else I will go where she is going "grandpa said.

"she can't stay here forever "Allan smirked.

"she can if you marry her"grandpa said.

"seriously you think I would let my wife hang out with you."he said chortling.

"that is not up to you to decide? "grandpa smirked.

I gaped at both startled.... slightly wriggling my hand out of Allan's .
He grinned not facing me and yet refused to let go of my hand.

He is fucking unaffected , gosh I wonder if he was deaf last night.

I stared at his skin, the crease near his lips as he smiled. I could spend an eternity just staring at his flawless form.

He turned to me and asked"why are you leaving? "

"owing to the mess you created yesterday "I whispered because the entire family was staring at me with a look of question.

"oh that, Elena was the student sponsored by Hawthorne group. I was shocked to find her here. That is why I had to enquire what led her here. I think I have made things clear and Elena would be staying here till John's marriage. Does anyone has any other questions? And every one can stop glaring at her. We don't have any problem. Do we Elena? "he asked.

I shrugged in reply half exasperated and half awed.

Almost everyone was satisfied with the answer but someone wasn't pleased with the reply was Allan's dad.

If cold stares could freeze you to death then I would have already frozen to death.

I overheard John's mom saying to some random relative "I told you Elena likes that guy Mike though they won't actually accept it."

"Arent you giving some random girl an entry into Hawthorne family that has never occurred before. "said a lady with a long pointed nose.

"John, Brian and Candice seems to be really acquainted with her"she said "Allan seemed to know her too. Anyway my father in law is happy since she arrived."

"Actually where is Allan's mom"the lady asked.

Suddenly John's mom seemed change the conversation.

I helped Mike into the room with the help of servants who are now quite acquainted to me.

I raced my hands through his hair as he slept, he was beautiful like a child. Look how adorable he appears in slumber in contrast to the dynamic ball of energy he is.

I felt like a mom caressing her naughty child after a long day. My Mickey I thought how he was that unattainable golden boy who pulled me off from death.

We walked through thick and thin together. I wished I could love him the way he desired. I would die for him but my heart still loved Allan.... It forever will but I will never flinch. I was hurt beyond bounds and above all Allan is engaged.

I walked out of Mike's room . I felt Allan's eyes fixed on me. Even when I caught his eye he looked at me. Gosh, what does he have in his mind. Why doesn't he understands how much it hurts me.

I collapsed on my bed and was asleep even before I knew. It has been a long day indeed.

Next day morning as usual Mommy called.

Me:"hello mommy pie"

Mom:"hello dear"

Me:"what is wrong with your voice? "

Mom:"just a bad cold"

Me:"okkieee, take care mom. give the phone to Ruben "

Mom:"broke into sobs"

Me:"what is wrong, is Ruben sick?"

Mom:(sobs hysterically,dads voice in background:i told you not to tell her)

Me:mommy what is wrong? My heart racing every second.

Mom:Ruben is missing since yesterday.... We searched him everywhere. Nobody has seen him.

My hands grew cold, fear numbed my senses. Silent tears gushed down my cheeks as I tried to instill confidence in her while I was dying within.

Suddenly maid knocked the door. It contained a parcel.
"Someone left a parcel for you at the door"she said.

"what happened miss"she asked.

"Nothing"i replied "a bad cold"

"can I get you some hot water"she asked.

"no, I am fine"i replied as my world came tumbling down.

She reluctantly walked away

I was wrapping the cover open on my way to Mike's room. Allan was on the living reading the newspaper as he saw me.

"Elena, what is wrong? "he asked alarmed.

I said nothing as my heart stopped still as I saw Ruben's uniform with blood smeared on it and a note which read "I warned you to leave..i told you they are not your friends.look what happened ..."

I dropped the parcel...... Shocked

Everything went blank....


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