2. New friends New faces

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 The person i have dedicated this chapter has wrote a good story and she seems really inspiration

Leigh Anne was the first to awake on Wednesday morning. She grunted softly and smacked Jade to wake here up. Jade silently cursed her friends and mumble something Leigh Anne couldn't understand. "Well, on sorry for waking you up from having a dream about Miss Edwards." She sighed sarcastically.

Jade moved her face so her blush couldn't be seen and she mumbled: "How did you know?" Leigh Anne only laughed in response shaking her head and getting up and walking over to Niall who was spread out widely on the floor.

"Niall! Wake up!" She shouted in his ear and he jerked awake his eyes wide and his ears perked up. "Bitch..." He mumbled bringing his head back down and closing his eyes. "What did you say my love?" Leigh Anne laughed.

Jade removed the covers from her body and got up shivering as her feet
touched her cold flooring. She reached for her phone and went on Facebook. She saw a notification and opened it. Her eyes popped out from her skull and she moved one hand to her mouth.

New best friend @jadythirlwall14 we need to hangout gorgeous girl!

Jade couldn't speak. Her long term crush that she had just dreamed about is now her friend and thinks she's gorgeous. She couldn't believe it. She walked over to her friends and showed them her phone. Their eye burst open as well. Her smile grew and her eyes lit up.

"She knows me!" She screams loudly and jumps around happily. "I gave to look nice today! I bet I smell like shit! Well, don't just stand there help me get ready." She shake Niall's shoulder hard and he follows her to her wardrobe ready to pick out a sexy but casual outfit to impress Perrie.






Jade smiled confidently as she walked into school that morning. Her head was high and her hat lay happily on top. Her friends walked beside her, Niall texting and Leigh Anne talking on the phone. Perrie spotted the three and smirked. "Jade!" Jade's body froze and her eyes met Perrie's . "Don't you look sexy today." Perrie winks at Jade. "T-thanks." Jade stutters out and her knees wobble.

"You know we have to start our project so I think you should come over mine tonight at 5. By." Perrie leaves satisfied and Jade stands there completely stunned. The brown eyed girl looked over at her friend who looked back at her with smirks stitched into their faces.

The bell sounded and all the students moved to their morning classes. "Niall, your with me." His arms link with Jade's and they walk over to the drama theatre looking forward yo their double lesson. Little did Jade know that Perrie had been transferred to the same class.

"To be or not to be...that shall be our next topic." Jades sighs in boredom as the teachers lecture built up. "Hamlet,is just magnificent its beauty and words...ugh...Shakespeare is a guineas." Perrie's mind wasn't on the topic but on her new crush. She knows its wrong to have a crush while being in a relationship but she can't help how her heart feels. She smiles slightly resting her head on her palm while watching Jade's every move.

She found it adorable when Jade sneezed, her nose wrinkled slightly and her face scrunched up slightly which Perrie now adored. "Perrie?" Zayn's voice ringed in her ears and she quickly looked at him hoping he didn't notice what she was doing. "You okay?" She smiled and nodded he leaned over and friend to kiss her bit she moved so his lips landed on her cheek and he slightly frowned.

Her heart sank in sympathy and he sent him a sad smile quickly looking back to the front taking risky glances at Jade during the lesson.







"Jade, you know that Mr Ellis is watching you, what a creep." Niall said disgust written clearly on his face. "Its cause I'm super hot." I wink at him and he giggles. "I agree with you, babe." The voice sent t a shiver down Jade's spine. "H-hi P-Perrie." Jades words stumbled over each other. "Mind if I sit?" She asked and Jade felt like she was going to pass out.

( short I know but I'm so busy recently gosh! Hope your enjoyed this I'll dedicate later. So, byeeee!)

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