Some RP responses I've done as Yawp, because writing as him gives me lIfE

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Basically, my responses in a group RP I was in over on Xanje. I'm way too lazy to explain everything, and the dynamics of each character. Basically, some kinda shadow thingy has made bad people. There's two classifications, "Hero" and "Traitor". Technically three, though, since there's "Neutral" (where Yawp falls). Literally anything goes -- demons, dragons, humans, zombies/Hunters, etc.
The RP has since died off, but it was fun while it lasted. ^^

Also, the art is mine; it's the 'official' ref for Roanoke.
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'Bout to hop in, but speed-reading through the current pages, so if I get anything wrong, please point it out :'DD)

A snarl escaped the male's mouth, echoing around the empty clearing. Rain was beating down on his hooded, drenching him. It was bothersome, to say the least. He knew enough that a shelter was needed, but he didn't know where.

Another growl.

Shoving the squirrel he'd been eating away, the Hunter proceeded to walk -er, crawl- towards where he hoped there was warmth. Because of the weather, scents were almost completely absent, which seriously hindered his abilities.

Time passed, though how much, he wasn't sure. But, eventually, he was at a populated area. Even though the ground was wet, the faint traces of others was detectable. His brows furrowed beneath his hood, huffing. There was a building.

What was it called? The Hunter snarled, shaking his head as he tried to remember.


The memory of the word smacks him in the head, causing him to physically stumble at the suddenness. Instinctively, Yawp was on edge, back arching up, teeth bared, snarls, the works.

But, as he slowly realized nothing was attacking him, he dragged his claws through the grass in annoyance. Of course, a simply memory would startle him.

Another shake of his head, and he proceeded to the door before just... Pausing.

What now? What was he supposed to do? He needed shelter, but the beings inside -which he could now pick up via scent- were what he considered prey. Would they let him in? What was he even doing?

He just crouched there, staring at the slab of wood barricading him from the inside.


After deliberating on what to do, the male eventually resigned to scratching at the door (the idea of knocking not even flickering in his mind).

The action leaves deep grooves in the wood, thanks to the claws. He was cold, shuddering. A quiet whine escaped him.


Yawp was leaning his weight into the door when it opened, knocking the Hunter away. When he scrambled back up, he stared at the strange person before him.

Though shadows covered his face, Yawp's bared teeth were clear.

However, he didn't attack. His legs were gathered beneath him and muscles coiled, but he didn't do anything further. This being would be a formidable foe, he assumed, so it would be best not to aggravate.

The male just... Waited. Watching, silent, waiting.



The reason for Yawp's (actual) name is because I live somewhat near Roanoke, and really that name/word. I also really wanted an "r" name.

So, maybe I could have some kind of thing for where he's from, and that used as his name! I don't have a whole lot figured out, so I'm developing him in this RP.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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