Me wanting to write fucked up shit, and my friend encouraging me

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Maybe make the SQUIP sort of, like, an uber-sadistic serial killer that convinces the reader that killing is a-ok and that the more blood and screaming there is, the better, so they seek out whoever the SQUIP deems worthy of murder and there’s a lot of torture via cutting, bloodletting, and visible organs and bones and shit

Oh god... Was this real? Were you actually going through with this?
Time seemed so... So slow. You held the knife to the man's throat, pressing the blade into the delicate skin of his Adams apple. Every time he squirmed, it would cut in a little further, staining the pristine silver a dark red.

Hrrk! P-please, I don’t know what I-” he sputters, but you apply more pressure.

Your other hand was busy fumbling for the duct tape. Ah, c’mon, where is it, I know it wa-

“Right here?”

Your breath caught in your throat as you felt the cold, soft hands of another man. Your wrist was encased in an almost loving grasp, and you turned to face him.


There was an insane, sadistic grin on his face, and red circuits trickled from under his equally-glowing eyes. He stepped forward, raising his hands to cup your face. You trembled under them.

“Oh, love, whatever do you need that for? Surely you know that it will only muffle his screams,” the man purred, sending a shudder down your spine.

“I… I know, SQUIP, but… What if someone hears? What if someone passes by and hears him screaming? I can’t lose you again! Not after Jeremy!!”

Your voice was panicked, and you knew that tears were now flowing from your eyes. SQUIP sighed, grabbing your shoulders and turning you to face him. The vibrant crimson eyes bore into you, piercing your very soul. He said nothing, and then,

“Y/n, you know that I will never leave you again. Nothing anyone can do can tear me from you. I love you, you know that.”

You nodded, sniffling, as he pulled you into a hug.

“I-I know, I know, I just… Why do I have to do this? Why do I have to kill him?” your voice was muffled by the supercomputer’s 

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