Part 4

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Jungkook laid his head back, staring at the ceiling. He hoped on some divine intervention to give him back his memory, but nothing happened. So he sighed, stretched his back by putting his arms up and fell back on the cushions behind him. When Jimin had complained about how boring his stay had been the day before, Jungkook had fully understood him. There was nothing to do and - just like Jimin – he couldn't just get up and walk around. He had hoped that Jimin would have come to visit him again, as he had promised, but he was probably in trouble for meeting him in the first place, so Jungkook doubted he would see Jimin again so soon.

Eventually it was time for his daily check-up. Over the last few days, he had started to look forward to it, as this was his only chance to meet Dr. Kim. When the doctor walked through the door, Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. Taehyung greeted him with a warm smile.

"I didn't know you wore glasses." Jungkook was so stunned, he had forgotten to say a greeting back.

The doctor with the messy hair and the round glasses didn't notice and laughed at the comment.

"I wear contact lenses normally, but I was late today, I just grabbed the glasses. Is it that noticeable?" Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"It's... they look really good on you." Jungkook answered.

"Ah, okay. That's a relief," Taehyung said, "anyways, that's not why I'm here. How are you feeling today?"


When Jin had walked up to his car, he had been deeply in thoughts. So when he spotted the paper stuck on this windshield from the inside after sitting down in the front seat, he was honestly surprised. He expected a complaint from his neighbours about his parking or a reminder for maintenance work in the in the garage. Instead, he found a note written in Seulgi's neat handwriting:

Jin, my love,

Please meet me in our cafe at 6 this evening. We need to talk about our future.

With love,


Later that day, after the meeting with the study group was over, Jin held Taehyung back and showed him the crunched up paper. Taehyung's eyes flew over the short notice and then shifted to Jin: "Didn't you break up a while ago?"

"Yeah, and she moved in with another guy." Jin said.

"She's living with another guy? Wow," Taehyung said, "You're not meeting her?"

"Of course not," Jin answered, "I don't get what she wants from me."

"Yeah, what's so great about you?" Taehyung teasingly asked.

"Yo, brush your hair before you start criticising others." Jin gave back.

"It's fashionable..." Taehyung mumbled, while combing through his hair with his fingers.


Hoseok liked his new desk. He especially liked his name tag with the title 'director' on it. The title garanteed him respect. Even if he had literally just bought himself in.

Then he remembered the title also gave him another superpower. He pressed a button on his phone: "Ms. Kang, would you please make me a coffee, black?"

"Of course, Director Jung" the voice of his assistant could be heard over the phone's speakers.

Hoseok let himself fall back into the chair. He had acted as the director for three of Namjoon's companies so far and every time he had enjoyed the perks of the position. Sure, he had to make decisions and attend meetings that were even more boring than one of Namjoon's rants about responsibility, but the coffee button could literally spawn everything he desired at any time. Would he abuse this power? Most definitely. Would Ms. Kang consider leaving at least once? Probably. An evil smile played on his lips. This was going to be fun.


Jimin sluggishly scrolled through a website on his phone. He was laying on his left side on the bed, head supported with this left hand, which slowly fell asleep. Shifting to a sitting position, he let his phone drop on the sheets.

After his little trip to the library, Ji-young was more cautious around him. He had not had a single chance to walk down to Jungkook again. It irked him that he had no means of communication he could reach him with. And the all-encompassing boredom did not help his situation, because what else would he be thinking about?


Jimin reacted to the greeting by spiritlessly shifting his body to face the door. When he realized it was Yoongi, who had come by, he cracked a smile and asked: "How did you know where my room is?"

"I work in accounting, I have access to almost all data." Yoongi shrugged.

"Thank you for visiting me. I'm soooo bored." Jimin complained.

"I'm actually hiding from my superior. She really doesn't like me." Yoongi said ashamedly.

"You're welcome to hide here as long as you want." Jimin said.

"Thank you." Yoongi said and smiled shyly.

Yoongi sat down beside the chair beside the bed and calmly listened as Jimin told his story about how he had met Jungkook and why he couldn't come to the rooftop at the moment. Afterwards Jimin wondered whether he had told Yoongi too much, but the older man had not reacted to anything he had said other than nodding along.

"Can I ask you for a favour?" Jimin finally asked.

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