thirty seven

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"Harry," Olivia gasps, eyes immediately wandering the room around us. It's a wood cabin look with the panels on the walls, but it's much more. Huge bed, huge bathroom, and expansive windows along one of the walls. We have a great view of the slopes.

"You did this for us?" she whispers, turning to face me. My eyes take her in, all flustered and happy. She could not get any more beautiful.

"Of course, Liv," I smile at her, her arms wrapping around my waist. I lean my hands softly on the crook of her neck, looking down at her.

"Thank you, Harry. For everything," she says, her blue eyes bright. I kiss her as my answer, knowing that she has given me everything just by being mine. I'd do anything for her; I love her.

Her soft lips form to mine before I feel her smile, my head lifting to rest on her forehead. I can't help but smile at her, loving how giddy she is. Her excitement is making me elated; letting me know I'm doing something right. I feel like summertime and it's her creation; happy and bright and warm. Olivia is the definition.

"Now go change so we can meet the fuckers at the bar," I tease, and she laughs. I let her go reluctantly, watching her escape into the bathroom with her bag. My grabs my own and I unzip it, taking out a new shirt. I button it onto my torso and lay back on the bed, knowing I'm going to be waiting for Olivia. Waiting for her is worth it.

By the time the door opens, my body lifts up from the bed and my eyes nearly come out of my head. Her brown hair is down and her body wears a skirt and long-sleeved shirt. Her legs are so long and I recall all the moments I've felt those legs.

"Harry, baby," she calls, pulling me out of my thoughts. Her eyes meet mine and I smile at her, watching her lace up white high-top sneakers upon her feet. She walks to me when she's done and steps between my legs, my hands grabbing her thighs almost instantly.

"You called me baby," I whisper, never hearing the name before. I don't mind it one bit.

"Do you not want me to call you baby?" she whispers, kissing over my jaw. Then her hands hold my cheeks, her forehead resting on mine.

"You can call me baby as much as you want," I tell her, her lips pressing all over my face. She has me wrapped around her finger.

"Okay baby," she smiles, pecking my lips before we get up.

The two of us maneuver through the halls and walk through the lobby, walking outside. We take a quick walk across the street and into the bar, my body following Olivia in.

Bar is definitely not a term I'd use; club, on the other hand, is much more appropriate. Dancing, loud music, and dark lights in the building are contrasted by flashing lights.

Quickly, my hand grabs Olivia's as we walk through the crowds of people to get to the guys at the end of the bar.

"Finally," Lance says, clearly blasted. Harris and Lottie are dancing and I see the other guys with their girls.

"This is not a bar, man," I say, and he smiles. His hand sets on my shoulder, Olivia trying to hold back a laugh.

"Would you have come if you knew it was a club?" he slightly slurs, Olivia unable to hold it in. She starts laughing and I can't help but smile, Lance then laughing.

"Glad we're here," I say, brushing him off. Olivia and I order drinks and I put my arms around her, not wanting anyone looking at her. Not like anyone would try; she's not leaving my side. Last time I did, she encountered Jimmy. Then the time prior, I got in a fight.

I refuse to leave her side.

"Harry," Olivia says, turning in my arms. "Will you dance with me?" she asks, sipping her drink out of the straw. I suck at dancing but if Olivia wants to, I will.

"Sure, Liv," I tell her and she smiles, chugging the rest of her drink. Then she grabs my hand and pulls me into the crowd of people. I have no idea what to do, so my hands find her waist.

"Harry," she shouts just so I can hear her, my body leaning in. Her lips soon press to my ear, her hands grabbing my neck. "Just move with me."

Then she turns around, my body trying to accommodate what she's down. We sway together, her body pressed tightly to mine. I can't help but let my hands wander over her curves, her hips something I easily grab onto.

As her back presses to my chest, her arms lift and she lets the run through my hair. My head leans into her neck and I kiss over her skin. We have a sheen of sweat building onto our skin due to how hot it is in the building, but I couldn't care less.

We don't stray far from the dance floor, mostly just to grab water. We don't drink much, simply because we don't want to get drunk. We're not heavy drinkers.

"How long do you want to stay?" Olivia asks, her body sitting on my lap as I sit on the barstool. I take a look and don't see any of the guys or the girls. Then I look at the clock, surprised to see it's almost two in the morning.

"It's almost two," I tell her, and her eyes blow wide. Her arms wrap around my neck as she turns to look at the clock.

"We should go to sleep," she says, and I smile. Her innocence is unreal; my adoration towards this beautiful girl so high.

We decide to leave, her hand holding mine as we walk outside. We reach the lodge and we walk in, her body close to mine.

"Look, they have a pool," Olivia says, pointing to the room. It's an indoor pool, but the room is practically walls of glass. She looks up at me, then jiggles the door handle.

"Swimming at two a.m.?" I tease, her smile bright. She walks in and I follow, not knowing what is going on in her mind. But I decide to have a little fun with her.

My arms quickly hook around her and I lift her, causing a squeal to leave her lips. Then, I jump into the pool with her in my arms. We hit the water and I let her go, allowing the two of us to surface.

"Harry!" she gasps when we both resurface. I shake my hair back and she pushes water into my face, making me laugh. I just tug her close to me and she wraps her arms around my neck, hooking her legs around my waist. I smile up at her and she leans down, my eyes closing as her lips press to mine.

It's calm and so soft, nothing more than a gentle kiss. My hands hold her waist and I slowly move my lips with hers, never deepening it. The actions cause my heart to pound in my chest, my face held tightly in her hands.

When her lips slowly retract from mine, her forehead places on mine. My body feels like a puddle, melting into her.

"I love you," I hear Olivia faintly whisper, my hand tightening around her waist, I can't seem to find my breath, my heart officially pounding against my chest. I can't open my eyes, taking in her words. My feelings match hers.

Olivia loves me. Olivia Johnson loves me. And I love her. She is what I've been looking for and what I want in a woman. She is anything and everything I want. Olivia made me fall in love with her and I can't grasp how it happened, but it did. We are here in a pool, wrapped in each others' arms, and Olivia just told me she loves me.

It's the most imperfectly perfect moment.

"I love you too, Liv," I tell her, meaning my words more than ever. She has my heart; she has me. And I have never in my life felt so secure about anything. 

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