Chapter Two - The Flight

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"Do you want the first shift or the second? I can take either." Mr Harrington asked. It was a few days later and the science class was on the trip to Europe, boarding their first flight of the holiday.

"Give me the third shift." Mr Dell told him, following his lead. Clara trailed behind him, ticket in hand as she looked for her own seat. She had followed the class through the airport without so much as speaking a word to any of the students, opting to keep to herself for a little longer. "I'm taking an Ambien."

"I can't chaperone these kids alone." Mr Harrington said with wide eyes, the prospect of having to look after all of the teenagers for the next eight hours understandably daunting to the teacher.

"Yo, Parker." Clara looked up at the loud voice. Across the rows of seats was a boy their age, directing his greeting to the same Peter she had seen a few days before, standing with a hard-plastic cup filled with champagne. "This is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to, except it flies over the poor neighbourhoods instead of driving through them."

Clara rolled her eyes, pushing her backpack into the over-head compartment before moving passed an empty seat to reach hers. "Ma'am?" MJ called out, getting the attention of the air hostess. "He blipped, so technically he's 16, not 21."

"I'll take that." The woman said, plucking the drink from the boy's grip.

"She's lying!" He pleaded. "I don't even know this girl."

Clara laughed lightly, watching everyone begin to take their seats. As she had been a late addition, she was placed away from the group nearer the back of the compartment. "Hey, guys, uh..." She watched from a few rows away, the words only just audible from the distance she sat. Ned was helping Peter with his six-stage plan to confess his feelings for MJ. "There's an old lady sitting in front of us, wearing a crazy amount of perfume and it's kind of setting off Peter's allergies. You know, Betty, if you could just switch seats with him, that would be-"

"He's allergic to perfume?" Betty interrupted him.

"Yeah, er, yeah, cause, umm... It makes his eyes water... And he can only see-" Ned stumbled over his words and looked somewhat relieved when Mr Harrington interjected.

"Excuse me, Peter has a perfume allergy?"

"Oh, er..."

"Well, I'll tell you from experience, perfume allergies are no joke. I can feel hives breaking out already." He shivered, the idea bringing bad memories to the forefront of his mind. "MJ, stand up. Ned, take MJ's spot. MJ, you take my spot. Peter, come with me; let's get you out of there. Zach and Sebastian, you take Peter and Ned's seats. Ned, thank you for bringing this to my attention."

Peter reluctantly clambered out from his seat, following behind the teacher with his head hanging low. "Your safety is my responsibly – and Mr Dell's, but he's..." He looked towards the sleeping teacher, loud snores already emanating from the man. "I got it for now."

"Yep." Peter grumbled.

They approached the back of the compartment, squeezing into the row behind Clara. "I have a small bladder, so I took the aisle." He informed Peter, the boy pressing his lips into a thin line, showing his distaste to the comment. "Did I tell you how my wife pretended to blip out?"

Clara slipped her headphones over her head, the device holding her thick waves of hair out of her face. She scrolled through the movies available on the flight, none of which seemed particularly entertaining. Resorting to the music downloaded to her phone, she shuffled that instead. As the steady stream of indie anthems began to play, she heard Mr Harrington in the background, telling Peter all about his wife's decision to fake being Blipped.

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