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October 11, 1997

By the San Francisco show, Stevie was becoming increasingly aware of the changes in her body. She'd finish a call with Lindsey and she'd have a rush of sexual desire. She was starting to gain weight as her stage dress had been tight, to begin with, but she had to have one of her other outfits taken out a couple of sizes. She hadn't thrown up since that first night on tour, but she had a sick stomach for a few weeks. 

She was biting her lip thinking about something as Fleetwood Mac was making small talk around her and then the green room door opened and seven people she had missed so much walked in. She didn't realize it until she heard them though.

"AUNT STEVIE!!!!" She whipped around and Cory was launching herself at her. 

The eight-year-old was literally only a foot shorter than Stevie, but she still managed to jump into her Aunt's arms, almost knocking her over. Stevie managed to lift her off her feet a little bit but not too high.

"I'm so glad you're here. I didn't know you were coming." Stevie squeezes her tightly. 

"Lindsey and Karen arranged it all." Ruth smiles walking over and giving her a hug. 

"Oh my gosh, you guys haven't met the band yet. This is Christine McVie, John McVie, Rick Vito, and Mick Fleetwood. Everyone, this is my mother in law Ruth, my brother in law Jeff, his wife Lyndee. This is my niece Cory and my husband Lindsey. The two munchkins in his arms are Isabella and Archer." Stevie explains walking over to Lindsey and taking Archer who was reaching for her out of his right arm. 

The two-year-old nuzzled into his mother's neck and she kissed his little head. She gave him a quick hug and then situated him on her hip. Bella didn't want to leave her dad's arms as she was slightly shy but she still reached over and gave her mom a little hug and Stevie kissed her cheek. 

"Lindsey, can I talk to you?" Stevie asks fixing her grip on Archer.

"Sure what's the matter?" He asks.

She looks around and pulls him towards the wall. She whispered into the ear that wasn't close to Isabella "I think I'm pregnant." 

Lindsey about choked on his spit when she said that.

"What?" He asks in a low whisper.

"I'm either menopausal or I'm pregnant. I've been pukey and gaining weight in my breasts and my stomach. And I've been so tired."  She explains. 

"When was your last period?" He asks.

"I've not had one since I left." She bites her lip.

"Well, it would line up. Karen gave me the spare to your hotel suite. The kiddos are going to stay with my mom. I don't know how long we're going to stay, but once we leave I'll go get you a test okay?" Lindsey smiles.

"Okay." She nods.

"Aunt Stevie, do you have time to braid my hair?" Cory asks butting into their conversation.

"Um, yeah actually I do." She swallows thickly and nods looking at the clock. 


When Stevie gets to her hotel from the venue Lindsey's sitting on the sofa, she has a suite, and he holds out a box for her. Stevie bites her lip and grabs it before heading into the bathroom. After she does her business and washes her hands she leaves the bathroom and crawls on the bed when she sees that Lindsey had moved in there.

"What did it say?" He asks.

"We have to wait, ten minutes." She army crawls onto the bed into his arms.

"What's running through your head?" Lindsey asks.

"The question of what's running through yours." She perches her chin on his sternum

"I'm going, to be honest with you...If you are pregnant it's going to be exciting." Lindsey shrugs.

"But, we said our family was done and given my last two pregnancies I..." She starts.

"Stevie, It's been ten years since William and Kristen passed away. I miss them like crazy but going to counseling made me realize a lot of things. And waking up every day next to you and seeing our two beautiful children holding them in my arms. It's the best feeling in the world. If we are going to have a baby it's going to be a blessing." 

"Well, now I'm scared." Stevie sighs.

"Why?" He rubs her back.

"Because I'm 49 years old and anything can happen." Stevie states.

"Stevie, you live with a doctor, we're going to make sure we do everything we can to make sure everyone is okay." Lindsey kisses her head.

"I"d be about eleven weeks because the only logical time we could've conceived was before I left." She traces her fingers along his chest. 

"So that would mean you're three months, The baby would be here sometime in April or May," Lindsey tells her.

"Yeah...Early May... I'd be 68 when they graduate from high school. I can't even imagine College. And then the fact that I may not get to meet their children." She tells him.

"Don't think about it. Look at the pregnancy test." Lindsey demands.

"Kiss me first?" She questions.

He smirks and locks their lips and when they pull apart they look at the test together. "Why did we give Bella's crib to the thrift store?" Stevie asks.

"Because we thought we were done." He laughs wrapping his arms around her and pulling her down on the bed with him and rolls around with her.

"We're having a baby, Lindsey." She laughs.

"Yeah we are, we're having a baby." Lindsey nods.

"Oh my god, I have to make an appointment with Dr. Grant." Stevie sits up abruptly.

"It's going on two in the morning. Why don't you wait until business hours?" Lindsey questions.

"Yeah, that's smart." She closes her eyes.

"Alright, now...we have the suite to ourselves, how do we think we should celebrate?" Lindsey questions.

"I don't know...but I'm going to get in the shower. If you want to join me, it's a pretty nice shower." She winks crawling off of the bed and sticking the pregnancy test in her purse. 

"I think I'm going to have to take you up on that offer," Lindsey smirks also crawling out of the bed. 

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