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You woke up to the sound of footsteps down the hallway. You got up from your bed and threw the covers off of you and noticed instantly how cold it was in your appartment. You heard the floor creak in the hallway and you tensed up out of fear. You carefully made your way down the hallway and half expected what you ended up seeing. You peeked into the hallway from your room to see Maddox, your patient, looking out into the dark hallway with his hand on the doorframe. 
"M-Maddox?" You said, stepping out into the hallway and beginning to walk towards him. He looked at you with a horrified look on his face. As if he had just seen the most horrid thing anyone could imagine. You stepped back, a startled look on your face as well. Maddox seemed to relax slightly when he realized it was you there. You leaned over and turned the hallway light on, which made Maddox slightly slide back into the doorway where it was dark. He never seemed to like light.
You made your way over to Maddox and motioned for him to have a seat. He slid down the wall and sat on the floor with his head in his knees. You sat down next to him and put your hand on his back gently. 
"What's wrong Maddo-" You were cut off by Maddox's harsh voice.
"Don't call me that. You know what to call me." He said, burrying his head more in his arms. He looked so small this way, you thought. You tried to remember the name he said back at the hospital. Oh yeah.
"Maddy, are you alright?" You asked, looking at him with a face of concern. He smiled slightly and looked at you. Almost. He never seemed to look you right in the eye. 
"You sound just like him..." He said out of the blue. You looked at him with a confused look.
"L-Like who exactly..?" You asked.
"K-Knox," He said quietly. More quietly than usual.
You paused for a moment, confused. "Who's Knox?" Maddox seemed extremely disturbed by this question, but only for a minute.
"H-He was my...." He stayed silent for a moment. "He...He abandoned me in that fucking place-" He said, starting to get aggrivated. "W-WHY WOULD HE LEAVE ME THERE? I ONLY EVER LOVED HIM," Maddox began to yell, standing up. "Maddy, I need you to calm down," You began, but he wouldn't seem to calm down. "HE JUST FUCKING LEFT ME THERE I- I NEED TO FIND HIM," Maddox began to shake. You wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close to you. "Maddy. Calm down, no one left you anywhere," You tried to reassure him, but he wouldn't listen. "You're just imagining things, it's alright-"
"I'M NOT IMAGINING THINGS!" He screamed. A scream that sounded like it could crack the walls. The neighbors probably even heard it. You stood there for a moment, surprised by the sudden volume in his voice. You stared up at him, his face full of rage. You admit you're a bit scared. You had never seen this side of him before. Other than when he first arrived at the hospital. 
You both stood there for a moment in complete silence when you heard a knock on the door. You told Maddox to sit down and he walked over and sat on the bed. You went over to the door and opened it. You were right, the neighbors heard it. 
"Are you ok? We heard shouting-" Your neighbor, Tasha, began with a concerned look. 
"O-Oh, I'm okay! No need to worry," You replied.
"You sure? Didn't you have that patient over at your house?" She asks a lot, you thought.
"Yeah I do, but everything is under control, you don't need to worry about me." You assured her. 
She smiled, nodding and began to walk down the hall back to her apartment. 
You closed the door and made your way back to the guest room where Maddox was staying. You walked into the room to see Maddox sitting there on the bed, same as when you left. You went and sat down next to him, looking over. 
"Have you calmed down?" You asked quietly.
"A little bit," He replied, looking at the floor.
"Sorry if it's a sore subject," You began. "But could you tell me about Knox? What'd he do to you?" You asked, a softer tone in your voice than usual.
"I.....I don't wanna talk about it right now.." He said, curling up into a ball to make himself look smaller.
"I understand. Get to sleep soon, alright?" You got up and began heading for the door. You heard him mumble "Okay" as you left the room, leaving the door open just in case. You made your way to your room and closed the door behind you, sighing. Your eyes began to feel heavy and you walked over to your bed, laying down. You closed your eyes and began to drift off to sleep.

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