Chapter 3: Oops!

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Everything was at peace for a second. Colin nervously walked over to the control panel seat. His glance switched to the window, but... it was completely grey outside, grey with black holes. Colin signalled Tucker to come to him. He pointed to the window. Tucker's eyes widened to the sight of the grey sky. Colin smiled and said,

- "Heh, isn't it funny how the area around Earth is grey and black? Pretty cool..."

Tucker shouted at Colin,

- "COLIN! That isn't the Earth being cool and weird! That's the Horridum's ship!"

Horror began to grow inside of Colin. The Horridum, better known as the Sun Tribe leaders, were right in front of them. Colin soon discovered how his life was about to end. He closed his eyes, black tears rolling down his cheeks. He opened one of his eyes, hearing the Horridum ship behind them. Before he could say anything, the Horridum's ship violently pushed the MTI forward. Tucker's face was fiercely slammed against the floor, and a faint crack could be heard from the ground. Colin's hand tightly gripped the control panel seat. Kip covered their head with their arms. Milky Way lied next to them, her paws covering her nose. It seemed like everything was already going awful. Colin's face was buried in his arms. In the middle of the sobbing and whining, the Attacus Call Line theme could be heard next to him. He picked up the Moon Caller, his hands shuddering. He glanced at the hologram and said, his voice muffled,

- "Y... *sniff* Yes...?"

- "Colin? Are you alright? I've just been told that The Horridum's ship passed by your MTI. Is everything okay?" Tsuki's usual passive-aggressive tone with switched to a sweet, caring tone. Colin responded, his voice quavering,

- "Y—Yes... Everything's alright."

- "Hmm... Alright. Make sure everyone around you is alright, I just got a message saying that someone... or something close to you has been cracked."

Colin's eyes widened at the message. He looked around and made sure everyone was alright. Everyone was laying on the floor, but Tucker was turned around, his face on the floor. Colin carried everyone to the forest floor outside of the ship. It seems as if he's reached Earth already... As soon as everyone was outside, the MTI's door closed. The ship was crashed into the surface of the Earth. Near the crash, there was a house. Colin tried not to pay attention to it. He turned Tucker's head around. He gasped with his quavering, broken voice.

- "T-Tucker!"

There was a crack spreading across his right eye. It seemed to be bleeding purple blood out of it. A pale pink rose was growing out of the injured eye, possibly protecting the crack.

- "Tucker... Tucker, can you hear me?"

Tucker's eye lit up and a smile spread across his face. He sat up and looked at Colin with a beaming smile.

- "Oh! Hello. My name is T-053! And you are?"

Colin's face turned light purple. He was really starting to sob now... He felt as if a monster was inside him, destroying his soul from the inside to the out. He hugged Tucker, his eyes pouring out.

- "Umm... What is your name?"

Colin stopped hugging Tucker. He looked at him and wiped his face.

- "You... You don't remember me, do you...? C-071? Colin? C? Doesn't... doesn't ring a bell, does it?"

Tucker looked at Colin with a confusing look in his eyes.

- "...No, I don't recall a 'Colin' person. Umm... Anyway! What is this... um, occurrence? Why are you crying?"

Colin started to laugh, tears still dripping out of his eyes.

- "Come on... Cut that out, Tucker. I know this is just a silly prank. I'll go get Kip."

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