Chapter 3

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When The Tables Turn

Junior Year

"Now, Ash, I can't have distractions right now. My English final is tomorrow and you should be studying too," Kira whined as Ashton wrapped his muscular arms around her waist as she sat on her bed surrounding by books.

"Babe, you have been studying FOREVER! You deserve a break," Ashton said as he placed gentle kisses on her shoulder and neck. Kira sighed and leaned her head onto Ashton as he moved to kiss her sweet spot by base of her jawline.

"Ashton.." she sighed as he started sucking on the skin, hoping to leave a small mark of his time with her. Kira turned around and sprinkled Ashton's face with little kisses. He chuckled and placed his hands on both sides of her face. They looked into each other's eyes and saw the care they felt for each other. They both connected their lips in a sweet but passionate kiss. Kira set her hands on his tough chest while Ashton's hands curled into her long, soft hair.

"As much as I want to continue this, I have to go home. Mum is expecting me for dinner. She says she has some big news," Ashton pulled away and immediately missed the touch of her pink lips.

"Get your ass home then cowboy. Call me later?" Kira pouted as Ashton stood up. He took away all her warmth and feeling of security but she knew he would always come back.

"Of course. I love you," Ashton replied leaning down to kiss her one more time.

"I love you too," Kira smiled as their lips met once again. He hugged her for some time before he closed the door behind him. Kira frowned already missing him before she quickly grabbed her phone.

I already miss you she texted him. A few seconds later he responded.

Very needy lol get studying babe he typed back. Kira laughed before diving back into the pile of books.

The Next Day


"Woah, now you can hook me up with some hotties."

"You deserve it."

The gang was currently praising Ashton for his acceptance form from Capitol Records. He auditioned a few months ago and last night his mum decided to break the news. He was estactic as well.

"The thing is guys, you remeber how you all were in the video too?" he asked the boys. Luke, Calum, and Michael looked to him in anticiption and confusion.

"Well, they said that they want you guys too! We're gonna be in a band lads!" Ashton exclaimed the rest of the news. All the boys stood in shock before jumping, shouting, and celebrating with one another. Lola and Kira laughed and cheered along as they watch their boys faces light up. Ashton smiled and walked over to Kira before wrapping her up in his arms.

"I'm so happy for you babe," Kira said proudly to her boy/

"I couldn't have done it without you. You inspired me to show my talent to others and look where I am now. Thank you so much," he whispered into her ear and pulled her closer. She kissed his cheek before turning to the others.

"I think this calls for a celebratory apple pie stop," she told them. They all cheered and smiled amongst each other. They all lived for the apple pie sold at a small bakery that Lola and Kira worked at. They also loved the friendly woman, Mrs. Williams, who owned the little shop. She knew all of them since they were kids and adored them like her own children. Her only child passed away to cancer at the age of 15, and now takes in any costumer like family. They all piled into Calum's minivan and sped away to the small corner near the park. They climbed out and entered the backery to be greeted with the warm, sweet smell and a loving voice.

"My, my, you children seem to grow each time I see you," Mrs. Williams exclaimed as she wobbled oer from behind the counter to give each one a hug.

"Ashton, your mother told me about the news so I thought you guys would stop by. Sit down and I'll get the pie," Mrs. Williams said sweetly before disappearin behind the ounter. The other slid into the booth. First Calum, the Luke, then Michael, Lola, Kira and lasty Ashton. We all talked excitedly before out came the glorious, fresh out of the oven pie.

"Enjoy my lovelies. And be careful since it's still hot," Mrs. Williams cooed and busied herself away. Everyone dug in and savored the mix of flavors that sat in their mouth.

"I could eat this forever," Calum moaned into his slice. They all laughed and devoured the whole thing. They didn't bother with plates and shared the whole pie plate to everyone. After finishing the whole thing, everyone was stuffed.

"So I guess it's the right time to tell you guys one last tiny thing about the acceptance," Ashton said slowly. Everyone turned to look at him and waited for what he would say. He looked into Kira's eyes whcih told him to tell.

"We have to go to LA to meet Capitol Records. They want to hear us live, and if they want us they want to start working immediately. We might be there for a while," Ashton slowly said as everyone froze.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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