Chapter 1

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The Story of My Life

3rd Grade

"Hey! It's my turn!" a little 8 year old girl screamed. It was her turn to ride the tricycles, and a boy in her class decided to take her turn.

"No! It's mine!" the boy argued back.

"Nu uh!'

"Uh hu!"

"Nu uh!'

"Uh hu!"

The school bell rang indicating the end of recess. All the little children stop their playing and run back into class.

"Look what you did! Now I don't get a turn. I've been waiting forever!" the girl cried out to the little boy who got off the tricycle. The brunette girl had her hands on her hips facing the now sheepish looking boy with a mad face.

"Oh, um. I'm sorry. It's just that I haven't been able to ride one since last week. I'm also sorry for cutting you," he apologized softly. His eyes began to water as he felt ashamed of his behavior and rudeness. He remembers how him mum always told him to be especially nice to girls. As soon as he finished, her eyes soften and she grabbed his hand to pull him into their line.

"It's fine. I go on the tricycles everyday, so I guess you can cut me. But you have to ask okay? Oh! If we could together, we can race! I'm so fast that Billy couldn't even keep up with me!" the short girl said happily, forgetting their problems. The brown curly haired boy's face lit up in excitement.

"Wow! You must be fast! But I bet I could beat you," he bragged to his new friend.

"Sure. Anyways I'm Kira!" she introduced herself. He stuck his hand out ready to shake her hand when she hugged him instead and pulled away.

"Oh I'm Ashton. Ashton Irwin," he replied shyly. His cheeks warmed thinking how he got hugged by a girl. She giggled and they walked into class hand in hand.

A new friendship had began.

8th Grade

"Get off me ya fat turd," she laughed at Ashton who was laying across her stomach as she was on Twitter.

"Now why would I wanna do that? You're quite a comfy pillow," he said in return stretching across we back, making her squirm and laugh underneath him.

It was the third day of spring break and the two friends were bored out of their mind.

Ashton watched her laugh and he smiled at the thought that she was happy. Yes he did liked his best friend a lot more than an average friend should. He was crazy about her long, brown hair and her sparkling, gray eyes. Her craziness excited and kept him wondering what she was thinking about. Her humor never failed to make him laugh. But her. Everything made him want to tell her, but all the things that could go wrong stopped him. He didn't want to ruin the best thing to him now.

Kira managed to push his tan body off and lay on stomach to face him. She watched as his hazel green eyes blinked under his think lashes. She absolutely loved his crazy brown hair and didn't realized she was playing with it which was normal between them. He gave her his cute dimpled smile in return and look at his phone. His humor and personality drew her in and caused to think of him nonstop. She wants to tell her everything she feels about him. "Maybe now isn't the moment," she thought. "I mean we're still kids."

"Wanna get outta here?" he asked her with excited eyes.

"Yeah sure. Any ideas?" she said getting up to undo her big braid which made her hair wavy.

Ashton thought for a bit and said, "Well we could go to the beach, laser tagging with the everyone, skating at the park, movies, the new carnival-"

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