Meet Me?

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I turns out that yes I'm a little crazy but who isn't. I'm also random, which means you could be talking straight to me and I'm still going to say...huh. Anyways hi my name is Nichi. Yes before you ask "like that Nietzsche dude," almost not quite but close I guess.
Turns out I knew nothing of him and even the most appalling druggie creatures of American know this German philosopher more than I. Friedrich Nietzsche was known for his writings on good and evil, the end of religion in modern world.
He was an interesting character. You know in English class when you had to write in your journal every day. Well I recall one prompt..."If you were to have dinner or to talk to anyone from the past who and why would that be?".
I'm sorry Poe but I think I may have to take a rain check. This little Nietzsche dudes pretty fascinating.
He claimed that humans must create his/her own identity by self-realization and do that without relying on anything transcending that life. Summed up in an easy way is reevaluate your values; become who you are by finding yourself through self-realization.
People also referred to him as an extreme nihilist or pessimist. Believing that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known nor communicated. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to mess s*** up.
I'm not going to lie but he's smart that's true to this day. Distruction of modern society...I mean morals have changed, styles have changed, the world has developed and learned. Can't say we learned enough but hey we're human.

Just a little history lesson there for yah on the dude they say I'm named after.

P.S. Dat mustache tho.

Also a few quotes from the gent himself which I actually quite like...

"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."

"When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you."

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."     Throwing some hard Kelly Clarkson vibes right there.

"There are no facts, only interpretations."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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