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I had sex with my cousin, please don't judge me.

It was Great,more than great,the second mean,I wasn't faking anything and Jesus it was the best sex I've ever had in my entire life.amy cousin is a year younger or two younger than me.I this k I'm in love with him,I feel some sort of tingling and bond with him,we just fuck buddies and we live together in the house so basically we can whatever we want.

We're both sex addicts and we have it everyday, everywhere,I feel disgusted that I had sex with my cousin,but damn he's better than anyone I've ever been with,and he's starting to get jealous whenever I am with a guy,he send them threatening messages to keep.away from him,he's so in love with me and the family is starting to suspect that we are sleeping together...they once questioned us and we denied it later we laughed about it and had sex I'm not prevention and we don't use protection because we trust each other..but what if I get pregnant,my cousin is crazy,he can get tell people about the things we do and that worries me..even thinking of erasing his memory or killing him so the secret won't get out...

Ugh..we just young and stupid and sexualy active

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