2: September 23rd

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11:00 am

"Isley, you know the protocol."

I heard the door guard speak, and I sighed, raising from my sitting position. Lately I'd noticed how slender and lanky my arms had become; now I paid attention to the greyish colour I was slowly turning. I needed sun, the human part of me needed Vitamin D, and the plant part of me needed UV rays for photosynthesis. It was cruel and I swore I would make them pay. Hmph, I'd been incarcerated once and I hadn't broken out at all. I'd attempted once, but I'd been too weak without my plants that I was knocked out clean by a security guard. That was when they'd upped the security, provided for by WayneTech.

I placed my hands on the two set areas on the wall, and closed my eyes as the visitor stepped through the security doors. It was Dr Quinzel I could already tell, her tulip perfume flowed at least a few feet before her. God I missed tulips, I used to tend to a patch of them in Robinson Park before I was incarcerated. They'd most likely died by now.

"Red, you can make yourself comfortable." Quinzel told me, and I scoffed.

Gee thanks for the honour, I felt like remarking albeit I kept it to myself. I removed my hands from the glass and sat kneeling on my mattress.

The doctor sat on the designated chair and pulled out her notepad once again, with that cheap black recording device. My past doctor also carried the same design of device and so I was used to the routine. The device was used to record the session so it could be assessed by the doctor later, but also served as a potential piece of evidence so the doctor and the patient could feel safer. Of course Batman had access to the logs as well.

She pressed start. "Dr Quinzel. Session 001 with Patient 1640, otherwise known by Pamela Isley. September 23rd, 11:03am." Quinzel began.

The pen clicked by her hand. "So, Red, how would you like to begin? Is there any topics you've been thinking about recently?" she added, looking up at me.

I stared at the inky nib touching the paper of the notepad. "How about the fact you decided to bring dead organisms to see a partly plant patient?" I replied, coldly.

She followed my stare back to the paper, and her hands gripped slightly tighter. "Ah! How thoughtless of me, I assure you I didn't bring it on purpose to offend you-" she began, worriedly.

My back grew straighter. "Offend?! How would you feel if someone was waving about a slice of human, the texture of meat, flesh and bone still clear on the creamy pulp? You'd be disgusted." I cut in, my brow tightening though not too much as I didn't want the asylum to feel they had to sedate me. I had a high tolerance to almost everything chemical and so when I'd tried to escape they'd given me a dangerously high dose of some kind of benzodiazepine. It had apparently knocked me out for at least ten hours, and it took days before I stopped puking it up. Serves to say I'd learnt my lesson.

Dr Quinzel chewed her lip and looked rather pathetic. "If it helps, it's recyclable, no more trees had to be cut down to make this... I'll definitely not make this mistake after today." she apologised, closing the notepad and clicking the pen before replacing them both in her white doctor's coat. "What did Dr Mooney do in terms of taking notes? I assume you didn't let her jot them down on paper as I just tried?"

I smirked. "No, I didn't approve of her writing on paper so she would bring a tablet to write on instead. Of course we never really discussed matters that she would need to take notes of, we ended up restoring to general banter."

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