Blinding Lights

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I can't believe we're really doing this.

Dad said that moving across the country will improve our lives but all I see are trees. An endless forest filled with wildlife critters and vegetation. We've been driving for nearly days, my leg room is cramped with luggage in our small sedan. The toy dart hits me in the face for the tenth time when I finally snap.

"Could you not?" My voice booming as I look at my younger sister. Emily can be annoying, I looked at her as she reloaded another and took aim. "Only if you give me your chips." For a 16 year old she sure does act immature. Dad gives a warning glare through the mirror at the two of us. I don't know whether to feel threatened or betrayed.

I look back outside, the scenery had changed to a lake with a small town at the centre of it all. The water was clear, almost too clear for a town with this reputation. My phone was dead so calling Ally was out of the question, she's propably still sad about all this. I remember our reaction to dads sudden announcment of us moving. My mom was excited, I was struck with fear and Emily, well she was furious. I never wanted to see her like that ever again, the rage in her eyes was unlike any I've seen before. The sun was nearing the horizon, we had driven for the entire day to reach this place and for what? A clean slate? Please, after what happened in LA, we can no longer be normal.

I see an old rickety bridge come up and question it's safety. The clear waters looked even more menacing now that I thought about it.

"Dad?" Emily squeaks out. "Is this safe?" Her voice quivering ever so slightly.

"We'll be fine." Our sedan rocked side to side as my dad tried his best to control the machine. The metal bridge groaned louder and louder, the moment we crossed it the entire structure collapsed. "Ok, great we're trapped here now." I mumble to myself.

We all step out to look at the pieces of metal that used to be a bridge at the bottom of the lake, it was nearing winter and I could tell this would be frozen in no time. The car had barely made it across the gap but luckily we did. My eyes wander across the lake and land on a deer as it looks me straight in the eye before running of into the forest. An old beat up police cruiser comes by and two gentlemen stepped out. One was clearly older as the white beard he had was gruff and unkept while the other was no older than 30. Clearly the sheriff and the deputy if my assumption was correct.

"Sorry folks we were meant to escort yall but got side tracked by a donut thief."

"It was a deer Dave." The younger one retorts.

The sheriff or should I say Dave turns to the younger one and just gives a deadpanned looked before saying "Justice does not discriminate.". I look between the officers and see that none of them have reacted to the bridge, also did they just say escort us?

"Listen here Henrik we have to give the Veils a nice tour of the town."

The younger one walks back into the car but not before saying "Whatever you want boss."

Dad just tells us to get in the car and soon enough the cop duo give us a tour yet they haven't even mentioned the fact tht our only way out is broken. The island is beautiful and surrounded by the clear lake, the mist around it was divine. I didn't know how to describe it and had no care for, all I wanted and needed was a charger. So far the only thing in this god forsaken town that seems worth my time is the library and that nice little cafè on the corner. Emily just lets out a sigh as she looks at our dog between her feet. I could feel the exhaustion coming from him, waiting for I don't know how many dog days to get here. I mean if dog years exist, that just means the rest of time feels faster, I don't know? It made much more sense in my head.

People came out of their homes, like we were the pope himself. They all had that creepy smile plastered all over their faces. I could've sworn I saw that same person a minute before. I read that Ripbrook hasn't had a new resident in ages. The last one was the lighthouse keeper that went missing after his daily jog or something. Anyway the town looked like it had barely made it into the 21st century, only one gas station, one mall and not a single fast food chain. There was a park atleast, but nothing too special. The more I look outside, the more the colour fades away, like an old picture. I see a kid riding her bike as the wind whips her ponytail back and forth, she looks at us and pops the bubble gum she had blown. Eventually we reach the new house, the paint is wearing off and the lawn was semi tidy. Dave and Henrik bid as farewell and head back the way we came. I lifted one of the many boxes that flooded the car and entered the building, it was filthy, covered with cobwebs and dust that seemed to big to even be real. Navigating my way past the rest of our luggage in the living room, I finally reached the flight of stairs that lead to our rooms. With each step I took the floorboards creaked and moaned, a gust of wind blew through the house and surrounded me. Whipping my blonde hair back and forth as I try to reach my room, I hear a thud behind me and see that emily had tripped over a box, the box of clothing toppled over and spilled its contents all over the floor. I see my favourite shirt among her clothes and narrow my eyes.

"I can explain." She blurts out while dusting herself off

"Keep it. It's propably got your boyfriends drool on it." I tell her as I enter my room.

The furniture is old but still chic. I look at the photos on the dresser and I'm horrified by the image. It depicts somebodies remains sucked dry from its blood and the skin had been peeled back like a banana. I fall to the floor and back away to the furthest wall but the walls soon enough start cracking. A green slug like human comes out of the cracks, her hair long and pitch black, a slight glow to her illuminates the room. She holds a ring out to me but I'm paralysed with fear, a fear which I could not describe. The room tightens and soon enough it's pitch balck with the only thing being her and me.

A jolt wakes me up from the nightmare and I see my family worried. I feel the carpeted floor beneath me and the weather had changed. Emily was sobbing, I could tell by the red tint of her eyes and the puffiness of them. The pitter patter of the rain against my window fills the otherwise silent room. Dad tells me I was screaming and convulsing, my body switching forms he says. I look at him dumbfounded, that was absurd.

"That's impossible dad you're propably seeing things. I try to laugh it off but I'm stunned when Emily pulls out her phone. The video shows me glow softly as my body contorts in ways I had seen only in video games. The screams were painful, the agony and confusion in my own voice was unbearable. I look towards my family and see the same look on their face. What have we gotten ourselves into?

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