Part 19

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It was a silence so loud it cut through the air like a knife. It only lasted a moment. A moment of pure tension. Pulling on every instinct, every shred of experience they had gained over the past few months. 

They had done everything right. They had planned for almost every outcome they could think off. Coordinated with the hero agencies in the area, thanks to the reputation Aizawa had built over years. No doubt it had been two weeks of pure stress and exhaustion for him. And for Bakugo, who, while training endless to get his body back into fighting shape couldn't hide the sheer panic growing in his eyes as the days passed by. It had come to no shock for Todoroki when no one in the class backed down from this fight (even Minetta). They were all training to become heroes after all, and they had all witnessed first-hand the struggle a classmate had gone through because of it. If they could help to change that outcome, of course they would help. The only shocking part was that there was a being out there that had the power to reverse time, and that it had chosen Bakugo of all people. The part where Midoryia sacrificed himself for a childhood friend...well, the whole class had sighed and rolled their eyes when they heard that. Because of course he had jumped in to save Bakugo. There had been many discussions in the classroom. Why didn't Midoryia just stay home that day? Why didn't all of them, since they were to be present there? Logically, it made the most sense. But, Eraser-head, who seemed to have had experience with something like this before had told them; those who were meant to be there would somehow find themselves there. And, if weren't prepared they could end up a liability. So the best course of action was to assume everyone would have to be there and plan accordingly. 

The silence ended and Todoroki observed everything around him, from the collapsing buildings to the caving in roads. The shrilling in his ears was almost deafening. The screaming grating against his soul. Instantly he snapped his eyes back to on his team. Momo and Kirishima were fine, and their charge, Midoryia, was safe. They had all been assigned to teams, and theirs was one of the most important ones. With their quirks they had the best chance of protecting Deku. Bakugos uncharacteristic plea still echoed around his mind, for the past two weeks it would always creep back in, reminding them what was at stake. 'I don't plan on letting him out of my sight...but please—stick to him like glue if you have to, tie him up or knock him out or whatever—put please...don't let him die.' For Bakugo to ask something like that, for him to bow slightly, it drove home that he really had seen Midoryia die. 

And they had done everything right. They had even gotten word a few minutes ago that the villains who would be responsible for the attack had been apprehended. So why? Why did it seem like a bomb had gone off? Another tremor shook the ground, stronger than the previous one, and somewhere a few streets away the sound of an explosion ripple through the air. Buildings cracked and crumbled under their weight. None of this made sense. It felt like an earthquake, but buildings were built to survive them, the roads weren't meant to cave in.

'What the hell is going on," Kirishima muttered, a hardened arm thrown in front of Midoryia.

Bakugo cursed himself, the world, that damn thing that had sent him back. He cursed the villains, the tremors making him lose his balance. And he cursed Deku, for not staying at home no matter how many times he pleaded. From across the street he could see the three of them encircling Midoryia. It would have made sense for Bakugo to stay as far away from him as possible, that way it would at least reduce the risk of Deku moving on his own to save him. But Bakugo just couldn't. What if Deku still died but miles away from him? What if he got so injured and he didn't know?

The villains had been caught, the threat should be gone. So why was the destruction almost exactly the same? That explosion just now, that had happened last time. But the bomb that had been there was already found and disabled. So how was this happening? What had he missed?

Another tremor ripped through the streets. They were growing in strength. Dread pumped through him, and deep in his heart he knew the time was drawing near.

Midoryia could feel it. Like the cold hand of death was reaching out towards him. Was it only because he knew it would happen, some sort of placebo effect? Or, was he really approaching the time? Kachan had said the voice told him it wasn't his time to die, that he still had more to do. From across the street his eyes locked onto Kachans, and from the terror shining in them Midoryia knew...Bakugo felt it as well. But Midoryia didn't let the fear take root. He was determined. They would survive this. He wasn't going to let Bakugo die, in any shape or form. And he wasn't going to be responsible for Bakugos death.

Last had been out of desperation on Kachans part. His anxiety and panic had caused him to lash out, slamming Deku against the wall as if trapping him there, yelling his plea as tears rolled down his face. 'I swear if you die, Deku I will kill myself. If I have to see you be killed right in front of me I will take my own life! And that will be on you! Do you hear me?! Just stay at home, please!' 

It had broken his heart, and it had almost broken his resolve. But the fact remained, and Deku felt its surety in his soul; he had died protecting Kachan. Kachan was meant to have died. That chilling hand reaching towards him, the dread in his stomach, it was because Bakugo was nearing his time. And he would not allow it. The future was not set in stone. He would stay alive and save Bakugo.

As long as they could figure out what was causing these damn tremors.

Jiro sprinted through the broken streets, her useless phone clutched in her hand. The cell towers in the area had 'conveniently' been destroyed. If only she had figured it out sooner, when they still had signal. People were screaming that it was an earthquake, confusion and anger were written across their faces as the buildings collapsed. But there was nothing natural about these tremors. They weren't a prelude to an earthquake. This was someones quirk. And she could track them through the vibrations. They were travelling underground, heading closer to the center of the city. She needed to be faster, she needed to let Aizawa or a pro hero know. Because they weren't alone. Some of the villains had been taken in, but not all. There was no way Bakugo could have known their exact numbers, or all their quirks. He was just one person. 

The tremors stopped for a moment and her legs skidded to a halt. A split second later she was hunkered down, her ear-jacks plugged into the ground. If she could just figure out where exactly they were headed. But there was so much noise. So many sounds crashing into one another. There was no time to waste. She knew the general direction, and she needed to let the heroes know before it was too late. 

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