Chapter two - Here's to a good life

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Chapter two - Here's to a good life


It was currently 10am and I was leaning against the white pillar
observing my manicured nails as we "patiently" waited for our bags to come through the conveyor belt.

Evelyn was sprawled on the airport floor scrolling through her phone, she didn't care.

That's one of the reasons we became friends. She giggled to herself and briefly looked up at me as I raised an eyebrow at her before she began flipping her phone around to show me what she found amusing at this moment in time.

She pressed the play button on her phone as a video from when were were 15 began to play; it was one where we were sitting on the sofa in her living room, we started pulling faces as Evelyn opened her mouth and I put my fist up towards her mouth to do something inappropriate, when I saw her mum staring at me; I laughed it off, acted innocent and pretended it never happened, the video then ended.

I slowly shook my head and joined in with the laughter, before glancing around the airport. Everyone had really heavy American accents which I absolutely loved, personally I found it so much better than my boring British one.

Still looking around, my sight landed on a young couple, a year or two younger than me, hugging one another as if their life depended on it. A sweet but painful memory crossed my mind before I quickly dismissed it and rolled my eyes at the couple who were loudly making out. PDA much?

I reached into my back pocket, feeling around to try and locate my phone. Once I felt the rectangular object I pulled it out from my pocket, I pressed and held the power button as the screen lit up. It immediately started beeping in my hand telling me I had notifications and messages. I opened up the text messages which mainly consisted of people saying goodbye and how much they were gunna miss us and wishing us good luck blah blah.

"Thanks:)" I simply responded to all of them, I'm not a soppy person so they should've expected not to get a 'I'll miss you too' in return.

I also had a message from my mum saying:
"Hope you've landed safely, good luck baby, we'll all miss you here, come back soon and have fun, study hard though:* Love you x"
The message made my heart clench as I thought about the massive distance between me and my family, I'm sure it's just a phase.

I opened another message that was from Kim. Kim was Evelyn's mum, and basically my second mum, the message read:
"Hey Si, hope you and Eve aren't getting into too much trouble already, don't want to have to bail you's out.. Again.-,- Remember girlies; work hard, play hard. We'll miss you, love you both:* x"

I quickly typed in a reply to both messages basically telling them that we loved them, before sending it.

I smiled and locked my phone before sliding it back into my jeans pocket.

I sighed in relief as I saw my maroon red suitcase roll around the bend followed by Evelyn's baby blue one. I looked down to see whether Evelyn had noticed yet, however she was still tangled up on the floor unaware that our bags were nearing us. I rolled my eyes and softly kicked her, her body reacting as she jolted and was stood upright in less than a second.

"What the fuck was that for?" She asked me as she flicked me on the arm.

"Well if you weren't laying on the floor like a fucking hobo I'm pretty sure you would have noticed our bags are here." I pointed to the suitcases in front of us.

"Why am I even friends with you..?" She teased whilst dusting off her jeans.

"Because you love me.." I hugged her from her side "and you understand me.." I finished.

"That's true" she replied whilst hugging me back.

"Shit..." I muttered to myself whilst pulling away.

"Shit? Shit what?" Evelyn repeated looking around.

"Eve... What time is it..?"

She took out her phone, as the screen flashed, "10:30am" she looked over at me, "why?"

"Oh never mind, thought we were late" I flipped my hair to one side, "Starbucks?" I asked Evelyn, not needing her answer as I saw her face brighten up. "Do you want our usual?" I asked her.

"Oh my god.. Yes please." Was all she replied.

We began walking towards Starbucks following all the signs leading to it, when we finally found it I forcefully pushed open the double doors, which resulted in a large bang, the smell of coffee immediately hit me, I've always loved the smell of coffee, and I don't know why.

Everyone's head turned towards us, whoops, maybe I shouldn't have pushed so hard, I inwardly chuckled as I made our way towards the counter whilst Evelyn walked off to find a free booth. Resting my elbows on the counter top I observed the menu, making sure they had our favourites.

"Welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order." I heard someone say, I lowered my gaze to the source of the sound.

It was a boy, probably the same age as Evelyn and I, he had green eyes and dark brown hair which was pushed to one side, he was also a little taller than me. He was cute... Not hot, but cute. I looked back at his eyes which seemed to be elsewhere..

I cleared my throat, this got his attention as his cheeks reddened once he realised I noticed him checking me out.

"Hi.." I looked at his name-tag before continuing, "Sam, can I have two Salted caramel hot chocolates, a chocolate cake and a chocolate cherry muffin please." I asked politely.

He quickly punched in the order before looking back up at me.

"Sure, that'll be $6.49 in total." He held his hand out as I placed the money in his palm.

It sounded so weird to hear the word 'dollars' when you grew up saying 'pounds'.

"Thank you, I'll bring your order over when it's done" he replied as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Thanks" I smiled up at him.


"Mmmm.. That was so good.." Evelyn praised once we had finished our cakes and hot chocolate.

"I know but we should start going now, don't want to be late." I replied whilst getting up and stretching my legs.

"Okay..." she pouted as she hauled her shoulder bag over her back whilst pulling along her suitcase, I laughed at her childish behaviour before following her out of the shop.

We stepped outside the airport as the warm breeze hit us, it was official...

We were in Miami.

I hauled a yellow taxi passing by, before it came to an abrupt stop before us. The driver got out and started putting our suitcases and bags in the trunk. Once that was done Evelyn and I took a seat in the back whilst the driver got back in.

"Where to ladies?" He asked, eyeing us through the rear-view mirror.

"Alta Mira, 33161" Evelyn replied whilst studying her nails.

"Okay. You're both a bit far from home eh?" He asked us again. What's with the questions? He must've noticed her accent.

"Yes. Now can we go? Please" I asked irritated as to why he was so talkative.

He started up the taxi and pulled out of the parking area before speeding down the road, we passed many large buildings, and Palm trees, as I stared at the scenery in awe. Evelyn and I nudging one another every now and then to show each other something.

We then found ourselves driving along the beachside, admiring the beauty of the yellow, sandy beach and turquoise blue waters, and the large waves, that was the answer to every surfers prayers. Driving past the beach I particularly found myself drawn to the boys, many of them, surfing, skate-boarding, BMXing, walking and jogging.

I looked over at Evelyn to see her eyeing the boys, I chuckled as she turned her head towards me..

"Here's to a good life Sierra." She said

"Here's to a good life Evelyn.." I repeated.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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