Chapter one - We made it

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Chapter one - We made it


I was awoken to the feeling of someone constantly poking my cheek, irritated and confused I tried swatting it away, returning back to my sleep. A few seconds later it continued again; figuring I wouldn't be getting much sleep I sat up and gave a pointed glare to my best friend sat beside me as she sheepishly smiled at me.

Immediately regretting sitting up quickly as a headache started to form, I squint my eyes, confused as to my surroundings, I looked around, examining the unfamiliar faces occupying the seats around me. Suddenly memories started flooding in as I remembered boarding the place with Evelyn and saying goodbye to our families.

So here's the deal, Evelyn and I are both 18, she however is 10 months older than me, we both met when we were 14 and we are now so close. Evelyn is around 5'4 and has green-hazel eyes, she's a brunette, and she's also got a slight tan.

I am 5'2 and have chocolate brown eyes, I'm also a brunette, we both have pretty long hair that flows past our chests down to our belly buttons, and I'm light brown, so no tan needed.

We both have three piercings in each ear and our belly buttons done, however, I have the left side of my nose pierced, and she has a tongue piercing. We also have the odd small tattoos here and there which are different besides one tattoo that we share, which is a ying yang tattoo on our ankles.

I am a football player (or soccer player, as Americans call it) and have been, since I was 7, Evelyn however is a volleyball player and a very good one. Other than that we both surf together and often go on jogs together. Besides the odd differences we are pretty much alike; both short tempered, not afraid to say what we think, and you probably wouldn't want to get on the bad side of us.. As someone may have told you... We're bad girls.

This was it...

"Rise and shine ugly Betty" she nudged me playfully a smirk forming on her lips.

"Shut the fuck up looser, let me sleep" was all I replied turning my body onto my side before shutting my eyes again.

Suddenly I felt someone yank my hair, I swiftly turned in my seat.

"Evelyn.. My bestfriend Evelyn, as much as I love you, fuck off." As soon as those words left my mouth, a middle aged woman sat in the seat in front of us turned around before glaring at us. She then turned away to face the front whilst telling her toddler to be quiet.

"Jesus... What's her problem" scoffed Evelyn a hint of irritation in her words whilst she rolled her green hazel eyes.

"Probably didn't get any action last night.." I trailed off, looking at my best friend before bursting into laughter.

"The way you read people never fails to amuse me Sierra" she said a smile still on her lips.

"Yeah, well... It's probably true" I replied bluntly before cracking a smile of my own.

Not feeling the urge to sleep anymore, I slumped back in my seat, Evelyn mirroring my actions.

The air hostess made her way down the aisle, rather slowly if you ask me, as she asked passengers whether they wanted anything to eat or drink.. Patience is something I've never had, I'm also a food lover, as is Evelyn, who's patience was also wearing thin at this point in time.

"What the fuck is taking her so long?!" She finally huffed, an irritated look stretched across her face.

"I know, my stomach's making more noise that this fucking plane!" I replied back, equally irritated whilst crossing my arms across my chest before slamming my back into the chair.

The same lady in front of us turned around before giving us disapproving looks yet again. That's it, she's done it this time, who does she think she is.

"Excuse me" I said sweetly, this got her attention as she kept her eyes on mine, "do you have a problem?" My voice suddenly changing to annoyed, she cringed. Her next words shocked me.

"In fact I do, I have my son here, who is only 4 years old, so please watch your language" she warned me.

"Oh please" I heard Evelyn speak up, "Don't act as if you're no sinner, everyone knows you can't have children without having se-"

"Uh, thank you." She interrupted before Evelyn finished her word, she then turned in her seat, focusing on her son.

I turned towards Evelyn who was wearing a smirk as I just laughed and gave her a low down hand five, shaking my head ever so slightly.

Finally the air hostess moved into our row, asking us if we wanted anything.

"Yes please! Can I have two bags of crisps, and some water please" exclaimed Evelyn.

"And you" she asked me.

"The same, but throw in some peanuts" She handed us the items as we thanked her.

Who said bad girls don't have manners?

I slowly opened the packet of peanuts, before looking around the plane, I observed the passengers in the plane, seeing no males that pleased me; I turned my body towards Evelyn which seemed to have grabbed her attention.

"How long left till we land?" I asked her genuinely curious as to how long we had to be stuck on this large but claustrophobic plane.

"Really Sierra..." I looked at her confused as to what she meant "Look out the window" she finished, smiling wide, showing her perfect rows of teeth.

I did as she said, and turned my head quickly, surprising myself with the fact that I didn't get whiplash.

The scenery in front of me was beautiful... The sun was high in the sky above the bluey-green sea; the reflection being slightly rippled in the water telling us there was a slight breeze. Many small figures were swimming in the ocean as other figures ran around on the beautiful, sandy beach that stretched out wide across Miami. The sunlight shining on the many buildings, making the city glow in its glory, the palm trees lined around the middle of the roads. The Football and Soccer pitches were large and greener that anything I have ever seen. The skyscrapers overlooking the busy city, as cars raced along the roads.

The view was simply breath-taking..

"Wow..." I whispered to myself.

I felt Evelyn rest her chin on my shoulder as I continued admiring the view before me.

"I know right... Isn't it beautiful?" she asked me.

"Yeah..." I replied.

A bell went off before someone spoke over the intercom.

"Please fasten your seat-belts and prepare for landing"

I looked over at my best friend before grabbing her hand, interlocking our fingers together...

"We made it" she softly said tears brimming her eyes...

"We made it.." I repeated.


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