Chapter Two (Inspired by @Ashl0390)

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Mario's P.O.V
I sit down outside of the lake next to Bryan talking with him when a small black portal appears on the other side of the pool, "w- what the hell?" Bryan says. Suddenly the portal lights up and I see the protecters guild island, Bryan ducks out of the view of the portal "Mario?" I hear Ritchie and Lo pho ask "h- hey guys" they looked at each other "oi Mitch!" I yell getting all the guilds attention (protecters, diviausmagia, the wandering coins, and grim shade is there) "t- the guilds called!" Mitch walks over and glances at the portal "ahhh yeash welp your calling what do you need" Micheal is now in the view of the portal "the protectors got attacked and all the guilds came to help, lots of people are hurt and unconscious davids knocked out and kit lost a arm" I'm on my feet in a second, someone hurt my mate and my non biological little sister, HOW DARE THEY! Micheal continues and we need your (Mitch) healing skills"
No one P.O.V
Suddenly marios on his feet facing the way mitch came "NO!" Mario says "NONONONO" he trys to duck but Bryan full on tackles him with a crash

 "SHIT!" Is what the guilds hear next from Bryan as another crash is heard "you are welcome to come any time I just have some rules for each guild when you get here" with that the portal closed TO BE CONTINUED!

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"SHIT!" Is what the guilds hear next from Bryan as another crash is heard "you are welcome to come any time I just have some rules for each guild when you get here" with that the portal closed

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