Chapter four (warning cuss)WHO WOKE HIM UP!?!

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Third person P.O.V
As Mitch was walking with the others he trips over somthing and see a once sleeping (well sitting) Mario glaring at him he slowly turn to the others "YOUR PROBLEM NOW!" He yells well taking off running
(Ten mins later marios hella cranky)
Inmo is saying everything good about Zaro as Mario glares at him

"SHUTTUP YOU GENDERFIDE POTATO!!" *Inmo and Zaro back away slowly*

*Mario talking to self*"STOP TALKING DOUT BLASTER!"

*Stu trys to steal marios cookies* "THOSE. ARE. MY. FUCKING. COOKIES."

*Mario walks away to voice his thoughts* "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" *ritchie goes to hide*

*brick tries picking on Mario about his family* Mario: "I get it my dad didn't WANT MEEEEEEEEEEEEE" *Brick backs away slowly* Mario: "MY DADDY ISSUE'S ARE MY ISSUES!!!!"

*Voicing his opinion again* "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" *sits down* "I'm going feral

*brandons ranting about something* Mario: "Shut the fuck- BRANDON! SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

*Pat has pissed off Mario* Mario: "IM GOING TO EAT YOUR ASS METAPHORICLY!!" *pat backs away*

*Mario wants a shoulder to cry on* "wHeRe Is DaViDdDdDdDdDdD?!?!?!"

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