Chapter five heat sickness

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Mitch was talking with his guild when a wave of heat shot through him 'shit I've been to close to pat for to long!' He mentally scolds himself when Colin sees his scrunched up face and grabs his arm yanking him away "you need to barf don't you?" Colin asks, Mitch nodded and rushed off to go throw up leaving behind a confused guild "what was that about?" Bren asks, without thinking Colin responds "hes fine hes just been to close to his unmarked mate for to long" a look of horror covered Colin's face as he realized what he had just told "so his mates is in our guild? Who is it then?" Seekah asks, Colin didn't want to respond but had to when he suddenly felt sick "shit!" Colin shouted and rushed off and over to a garbage can and started throwing up when he felt someone rubbing his back and he sensed that it was seekah and he started throwing up more "Seekah!" Colin shouted "your making me sicker!" He gagged as he felt another wave of heat go through him seekah started backing up then froze "wait didn't you say that you all get sick when your near your mate for to long . . . am I your mate?" Colin was trying to not throw up anymore but responds "you and lily are my mates its rare but having two mates can happen" everyone stared when lily burst out laughing "at least me and seekah don't have to fight over you anymore" she kept laughing well Colin and seekahs face lit up like a Christmas light "wait" Micheal said "whos Mitch's mate then?" Mitch who was coming back started growling to clear a path to get to Colin and started rubbing his brothers back "I think thats for Mitch to tell you not me-" Colin was cut off by throwing up again, Mitch sighed and responded "I don't want to tell them cause one: they are MARRIED with CHILDEREN! and two: I dont want them to feel pressed to be my mate we all feel the same about that the only reason Colin told you was cause it was a accident" Mitch snarled "theres only three married people in the guild. . . me, Micheal and Pat" Bren says in shock, Mitch's face lit up and rolled his sleeve showing a golden rose around his wrist everyone was shocked but Pat froze and rolled up his own sleeve showing the same marking "am i your mate?" He asked in shock, Mitch nodded in worry that his mate wouldn't want him, Patrick laughed "me and my wife are on good terms but we are not together anymore" Mitch's face lit up in excitement and moved away from his bother and tackled Pat hugging him Colin pulled his head out of the trash canand smiles then looks Pat in the eyes "you hurt my little brother and I will put dead animals all over your room" shock shot through everyone "your older?!" Micheal asked in shock Colin nodded and smiled he and one of his little brothers have their mate now so he was content

(Hol up yea I know Colin and Bryan are younger in cannon but in my AU Mitch and Mario are the younger
Colin is 27
Bryan is 28
Mario is 21
And Mitch is 20
Okey bai)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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