New Beginnings

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I hit the side of my alarm and fell out the bed hitting something sharp on the way down.

"Shit" I said slowly getting up. I looked over to my brother Shawn's bunk bed and he wasn't there. Me and my brother share a room but he's usually not home because he's either working or playing basketball.

I finally stood up after being laid out on the floor for five minutes. I peeked out the door of my room.Sure enough Len was sitting on the couch. Why does he have to be here at the most inconvenient times? I looked at the clock and realized that if didn't start getting ready soon I would be late to school.

"Jazmyne, get up and get it together." I spoke lowly to myself as I gathered my towel to head towards the bathroom. I grabbed my toiletries and walked out of the room. Len looked like he was asleep so I attempted to walk past him quietly. That didn't work as soon as I was almost past him, he grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me."

"You not gonna say Goodmorning to your daddy?" He asked looking at me with a slimy grin on his face.

"You are not my father now can you please get off of me, so I can get ready for school." I said trying still trying to snatch my arm away.

I watched him as his he looked me up and down before licking his lips and then letting me go.I quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door.I hated being around him he just gave me a bad vibe. Lets not add to the fact that he watches me like I'm a piece of meat.I looked at the tub, which looked a hot ass mess. There was dirt caked up on the bottom floor of the tub as well as around the rim. I was even more irritated looking at the mess. I can't even count how many times I got on my hands and knees to clean the tub. Of course all the dirt didn't disappear, but I was able to make it look decent.That is until my mother or one of her many users come and fuck things up. So of course I opted for a shower as usual, I'd be embarrassed to tell you how long its been since I had an actual bath. I stepped into the shower with my flip flops on; not wanting to touch the base of the tub. I washed myself as fast and clean as I could.

I know I don't have the best situation, but one thing I don't play about is hygiene. Plus being that me and Shawn share a room, he was always in my ear about how no male wants a dirty female.

I was feeling real chill today so I decided to put my hair in a high bun. I laid my clothes out the night before, otherwise I would be late to school. I had a bad habit of changing outfits several times before I left the house. It was hard to find a decent outfit when you don't have much to work with. Never knowing how this chicago whether is going to be, I decided on a pair of leggings with a cropped sweater. I know it's a weird to get dressed in the bathroom, but I honestly don't want to give anybody a reason to look at me I walked back into my room and luckily Len was gone. I put all my stuff away, quickly swooped my edges and was ready to leave out. Making my way to the door I almost bumped into my mother came staggering out the bedroom. I didn't know whether she was drunk or high.

Her hair was standing on top of her head. What disturbed me the most when looking at my mother is that I am her twin. From the large doll like eyes, wavy textured hair, all the way down to my damn toes. The only difference between me and my mother was she extremely high yellow , and I am very caramel. Almost the color of peanut butter. I know I got that from my dad. At least that's what she used to tell me, it's not like I ever met him.

"Where you going Jas?" She asked fidgeting while scratching her arms.

"To school. Ma.. you smell ! " I said sniffing the air and fake gasping for air

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