d e c e i t - 8

224 18 11

Damien and Remus sat in Damien's bedroom, on top of his bed.

"So, tell me-" Remus said, sprawled out onto Damien's lap, eyes closed. "Any cute guys you like?" Remus opened his eyes, smiling as he awaited an answer.

Damien rolled his eyes, arms resting on Remus's chest, as there were no other places to put them. "Nope."

Remus huffed. "Aww, c'mon! What about that cute guy? What's his name? Remus #2? He'd be good for you! Like, if he didn't have the same name as me I'd take em-"

Deceit cut him off. "His name's Remy, and no. I don't like him." Did he? "And even if I did, he likes someone else!"

Remus gasped. "Oh, wow! A love triangle between you, Remus #2, and who else?"

Damien rolled his eyes once again. "His name's Remy, and it's not a love triangle! I don't like him!" Remus narrowed his eyes.

"You're getting defensive. You get defensive a lot when you li-"

"i'M NOT DEFENSIVE-!" He huffed. "And you know that I want to find, you know who, first."

Remus sighed. "Yeah, but! Who knows how long it'll be til you find your soulmate? For all you know, he could be a bitch, and you'd wasted any opportunity you got so you could be with the bitchy motherfucker!"

Damien paused. "Whatever. Well, uh, you find any cute guys?"

Remus gasped, and went on about some hot guy he saw at a bakery the other day.

They did this often- Go to Damien's house, lay on his bed, and talk about random shit- Remus often brought up crushes, and Damien shooed the conversation away.

After a few hours, Remus was called home for dinner, and Damien was left alone. He lied on his bed, sighing.

Was Remus right? Damien bit his lip, questioning whether he should debate the subject.

Remy was kinda cute. Damien wouldn't mind.. Well..

Maybe if he asked him on a date or something, it could get Remy's mind off of Virgil. Maybe they could like each other.

Damien's cheeks flushed a light pink as he thought about this, but was caught off guard as he heard footsteps leading to his door. He sat up as the door opened, revealing Patton.

"Heya, kiddo! I just came back from the store with groceries. Wanna help me make dinner?"

Damien nodded, getting up from his bed. He'd followed Patton down to the kitchen, grabbing some ingredients from the bags that stood on the floor.

He'd made up his mind- He was going to ask Remy out on a date.

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