Chapter 3 - Harder than I thought...

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DAY 10

Ed has been gone for over a week now and I think I'm finally moving on, either that or I'm still in gay denial but I'm pretty sure I know how that feels and this isn't it. I know I want to be over him because despite the she-devil's outward appearances she actually cares about him and would never want to hurt him. Not to mention how happy he is with her, I don't think he's smiled like this since he helped me recover at his apartment. He's happy, that's all I want for him.

I finally showered and changed two days ago and now Olga is at least talking to me, or I guess, at me. She said something along the lines of "moping, something-something cherub, something lanky bastard, something something" which I can only see as her pitying me for my obvious pining...

In other news the mobs are doing fine and flourishing as well as my re-election campaign so at least I don't have to worry about the city crumbling down while I'm away, but just to make sure I'll send Barb a decanter of the good 1783, juuust in case.

DAY 13

Edward called today to see how I was, apparently his "Literary cruise" is going really well, he sounded like a jolly kid while discussing the "Early Gothic Writer's Quiz" and how he had won 1st prize (obviously, no one could match his magnificent flare and bountiful knowledge of Frankenstein + Jekyll and Hyde). Apparently the prize was a weekend at Mary Shelley's cottage for two, so they're extending their trip. He asked if I was okay with that and of course I happily obliged them (you know, like and idiot)

He sounded so happy.

So, happy.

DAY 14

Barbra sent me some flowers and an old ass vase, will check the price later online.

I rewatched Love Actually again, but this time I genuinely tried to care about Kirah Knightley's character arc. Someday I might really succeed...

[Everytime I get a comment I am compelled to write another chapter, keep 'em coming if you want me to remember to update :)]

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