Tomorrow~ Chapter 6

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[My art]
I wake up, feeling a pain in my back, I was on the Russians bed as I get up, turning off the alarm clock. I grown as I stretch my wings.

"Let's go America."

I say, as I walk out of Russia's room, and walk into my room. I slowly shake my children,

"Hawaii, Iowa, get up my sweets, it's time to go to New Zealand."

Iowa growls while Hawaii champs.


She yells. So much fucking energy in her, god dang. I walk out, as my kids get dressed, I grab Russia's stuff and mine, looking at the bunnies. I sigh as I singled my Eagles to carry them inside a big basket. I sighed, as we all walked to the car, placing our things in the back. I wave my Eagles goodbye as I place the dogs in the back of the car. My little angel, sits in the back, petting the dogs. My son sits in the front seat.

North Korea:

Well... a deal is a deal. I say to myself, as I place the last bomb at the door. I walk away, this place is going to be demolished after this. Can't believe they actually think I'm helping them. I take my final step back, and press the button, seeing stuff fall onto innocent people. I then walk away, hearing my Walkie talkie go off. I grab it.


I say, looking around me, trying to see if someone is going to fucking shoot me. Luckily no one was around.

"What happened to the Building North?"

"What do you mean?"


I look around, trying to see if there's any Camera's. I see one, I smash my Walkie talkie, and flip him off. Then walk off.


I wake up,

"Ugh! My head!"

I yelp in pain, as I try putting my hand on my hand, feeling a chain on arm.

I look at my surroundings, where the hell am I?

I get up, looking around, some kind of warehouse, or building?

I don't know.

I start to look at my body, of course they take my clothes but not my boxers. And I'm chained...

"Hello Russia."

A familiar voice said, I look up, seeing that Racist baster. I growled.


I demanded. He smiles at me, fucking bitch, doesn't know the meaning of the word 'FUCK OFF' I want to choke his ass, but being chained doesn't help.

"Bad dog."

He says, I growled angrily.


"Says the one who's in the cage."

He chuckles. I look at him in disgusted.

"How the hell are you still alive?"

I ask, looking up at him, in anger.
He walks around my little cage and says.

"Beliefs, my friend."

He says, chuckling. I shackle my chains.

"Where the hell is America?!"

I growled.

"My brother is safe, for now, I watching yo ass." He says, petting my head.

I try to bite him but he slaps me before I could. "Now stay stills, we are going to put something on ya papa bear." He says, snapping his fingers pointing at me, while these men put some on my neck.

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