Chapter 1

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TW: mention of starvation, mention or puking, touch starvation

Third Person POV

Virgil sat up in bed and groaned. His body trembled and as he fell back into bed. Virgil shook his head and sat up again.

"You're FINE Virgil!" Virgil thought as he threw the covers off himself and tried to stand.

Key word is tried.

Virgil immediately fell over and groaned in pain.

He pushed up and sat on his knees. "You're FINE VIRGIL!" Virgil's thoughts screamed as he got up and stumbled over to his dresser.

He grabbed my black hoodie with purple flannel patches, black ripped jeans and a pale purple shirt.

Virgil changed quickly and walked into his small and dimly lit bathroom.

Virgil looked into his cabinet mirror. "You're paler than your foundation Vee." A voice said from behind him. Virgil sighed heavily. "I know. I know." Virgil mumbled, barely audible.

"Tell the othersss. You don't want to come to us. Tell Patton, you know that he would be more that happy to hug you." He said again.

Virgil gripped the sink. "I'm just a disorder! I don't need to be hugged and coddled. You said it yourself. I'm a disorder, I'm not important." He hissed, tears threatened to fall.

"I know I sssaid that. But you know I apologized! I was mad, ssstupid and wrong. I love you Vee don't forget that! You're important like every other ssside! And don't forget that you forgave me because I was in the sssame possition as you, and you understood that." The voice responded.

He was right. Of course he was. Virgil nodded. "You're right but-" "KIDDO!" Patton shouted for him.

"I have to go. Tell them Vee." He said, his voice laced in concern.

Virgil sighed. "Maybe. Bye Dee." He said sounding hollow. Deceit nodded and sunk down.

Virgil quickly put on makeup and left his bathroom. Someone knocking on his door, frantically.

Virgil opened the door. "Oh there you are kiddo!" Patton said in his normal bubbly tone. "Come on! Roman and I made chocolate chip pancakes!" He said as he grabbed Virgil's hand and pulled me downstairs.

Halfway through our trip downstairs Virgil pulled my hand away from Patton's. He didn't notice and continued running to the kitchen. The anxious side followed him and sat at his spot next to Roman and Logan.

Virgils hand burned. It felt like hell. It was painful. "You okay Hot Topic?" Roman asked.

Virgil snapped out of his thoughts. "Uh yeah! I'm fine!" Virgil answered, a bit quickly. Roman didn't notice. But when did he notice anything that doesn't concern his looks or ego?

-Le Time Skip-

Virgil sat in his room sitting on the floor curled up against his bed with his knees to his chest.
He watched as dark shadows climbed up the wall, growing as he became weaker.

Virgil was wearing a sweater and the heater was full blast but he was so damn cold.
He shuddered and felt his body grow weaker.

Someone knocked on his door in a rhythmic way, each knock being a perfectly timed. "What's up Logan?" Virgil called through the the door, trying to sound normal as he was not moving from his spot to open the door.

"Patton made lunch and he told me to call you down." Logan said. "I'm not hungry. Thanks anyway Lo." Virgil said with a sigh.

"Alright then Virgil." He said. Logan's footsteps grow softer and softer as he escaped Virgil's hearing range.

Virgil stood up but immediately fell onto his knees and groaned in pain.

"Emo this isn't right!" A voice said, lacking the normal enthusiasm and energy he normally had.

"S-shut up Remus." Virgil mumbled. He sighed. "Can I at least help you up?" He asked. Virgil shook his head frantically. This is a secret not even Deceit was aware of.

It burns when they touch Virgil. It's molten lava. It's painful.

"Fine. Grab the handle." Remus said as he put the handle of his morning star in front of Virgil. "I won't touch you but I can help you up." He said.

Virgil grabbed the morning star and Remus tugged the weapon, making Virgil stand. He started feeling light headed. Virgils knees started to buckle and Remus quickly moved the morning star so it would push Virgil into his bed.

"Thanks Re...." Virgil mumbled. "No problem Virgin. Call if you need something." He told Virgil before sinking out of his room.

Virgil shivered and his stomach growled. His stomach burning and asking, begging, for food.

"NO! I'm not eating! Eating doesn't help me! I've stopped eating because it doesn't do anything." Virgil thought, scolding him self. Virgil will have breakfast and claim to have snacks during the day.

And when dinner is sometimes a mandatory thing, forced by Patton, he'll throw up what he ate after he go back to his room.

This ball of anxiety is missable. But the people who can help Virgil, are to blind to see what's wrong. The people who can't, aren't allowed to speak to those who can help.

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