Chapter 1

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October 15th, 1985


Diana rolled over in the bed and looked over at her young paramour. Michael lay next to her, watching her with the same doe eyes that enchanted her when he was just eleven years old. Not to say she was attracted to him as a child, that came much later, but she could tell early on that he was special. 

And he was. Fresh off the dizzying success of his Thriller album, he was already hard at work on a follow-up that he vowed would top its predecessor. Though to Diana, the only thing that mattered to her was his prowess in bed, and he kept her plenty satisfied with his boundless energy. He'd do anything to please her.

She raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Michael?"

"Will it ever be more than this?" He asked. 

She frowned at him. "Michael, we've talked about this,"

He sighed. "Why do you care so much about what people are going to say about us?"

Diana huffed; he could be so childish at times. She was fourteen years older than him and had known him as a child. The public would start to talk, and she didn't want them saying she'd been waiting for him to grow up. 

The truth was very different.

Diana was walking out of the recording studio when she noticed Michael sitting off to himself, staring out of a window. She knew immediately that something was off. His eyes had a way of betraying his feelings.

"Michael?" She started, taking a seat near the teenager. 

He looked startled. "D-Diane. Hi, how are you?"

He cleared his throat, forcing a smile on his face. She couldn't help but smile back. He was always so shy and bashful around her; she found it endearing. 

"Ya look upset," She commented. "Are ya alright?"

Michael shrugged. "I'm just thinking about some things,"

"Would ya like to talk about it?" She offered. 

Anything to get her away from Marvin and his smoking, even for a few moments. 

"Sure, if you have time. I know you're busy," 

Diana chuckled. "I wouldn't've offered if I didn't have time. Now come on, let's go find somewhere quiet where we can talk,"

She took his virginity that day. He was younger than she'd liked to admit, but she wanted him and if he was offering himself up, why shouldn't she indulge? 

That was the conundrum. Michael adored her more than she thought it possible to care for another person but here he was lavishing her with the affection any woman would die to have. Yet it wasn't right. 

She loved him. She had him. She just didn't want him, at least not in the way he wanted her. She wanted his body, not his heart. 

"Michael, it's not just about us. I have children," She pointed out. 

Michael sighed. "Diane, you know I love the girls--"

"It's not about that." She interjected. "I don't want them to hear things. People talk and they say cruel things,"

He tried a different approach. "Don't you love me, Diane?"

She bit her lip. Love?

She had only one other tactic to get herself out of the conversation. "Baron, I'm tired,"

His eyes immediately dropped down. "Yes, mistress,"

It was her trump card. After leaving Berry, Diana had come to learn about BDSM and found being a dominatrix liberating. There was something about being in control that gave her a rush and Michael was easily pliable into being her sub. 

He may have been the king to everyone else, but to her, he was a baron. Still noble, but just barely so. As long as she had something to say about it, she would be the queen of the castle. 

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