Dear anyone who has problems going on

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Nothing is fair. Life isn’t fucking fair. You’ll have 'friends" that talk shit about you behind your back. You’ll care about somebody that isn’t interested in you in the slightest. You’ll get involved in your family problems. You’ll find a boy that you give everything to and he’ll fuck you off weeks later. You’ll lose things, you’ll miss things. You’ll see somebody that you were so close to but they’ll blank you because they treat you like a stranger. You’ll worry about school, exams, etc. Some nights, you’ll cry yourself to sleep because life isn’t how you planned it to be. You’ll make up little cute scenarios in your head to make you feel better and then realise they won’t come true. You’ll get drunk and spill out your feelings, and then regret it the next morning. Arguments, yes, you’ll have plenty with them, mainly with the people you really care about. You’ll lose a relative and you’ll grieve, you’ll grieve so hard. You’ll experience so much fucking heartbreak because a boy will turn out everything you didn’t expect him to be. You’ll get ignored; you’ll maybe even get rejected. You’ll get nasty comments from jealous girls. Maybe one day, your week will be that bad, you’ll suggest running away. But you won’t because you will have them true friends that have your back. You will meet a boy that will love you for who you are and what you do. Your family loves you, your friends love you. You’ll look through your camera photos and smile/laugh at all the memories and good times you’ve shared. You’ll break the rules and do something crazy but laugh at it next day because it was fun. You’ll make your lost/loved ones proud by trying your best in everything you do; they wouldn’t want to see you unhappy. Smile. One day, you won’t be able to sleep because your reality is so much better than your dreams. You’ll party/dance/sing so hard that you have no energy left. You have so much to look forward to, life has its downs, and at times it isn’t fair at all. Life will hurt you, it will test you. But remember you also have so much to smile and be happy about. Why spend your whole life down because something didn’t happen, or something went wrong? Just smile and be the proudest motherfucking person you can be. :)
Stay strong.
Xoxo, TheShiningDarkness

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