Beware the Physical Exam!

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        I walked out of the library, a rather large dictionary of monsters under my arm. I walked into my dorm room, I still coulnd't get over how well that the room was fixed up, and flopped down on the bed. "Oh my God I am so done with this!" I shighed. There were so many reasons as to why I souldn't care what kind of monster I am/is/was, I was fine being human and to be honest, I was pretty dang good at it! I didn't need some sort of mutant powers to fit into my school! I could be myself and no one would care! 

        Who am I kidding here? I was a human. Forever. Could not change to save my life. Odd considering that my life kind of did depend on it. Shortly put, I was screwed. If Bailie was right, I needed to find out what kid of monster I was fast. As much as I hated it, my secret was going to be discovered. 

        A knock rang out through my room. "The door's unlocked!" I called out. 

        The door opened to reveal Bailie, in jeans and a black t-shirt (the shirt had a design of a moon and the words "Almost full" printed on it) and a similar dictionary under her arm. "Alright! I swallowed my pride as an Idol and went to the library for you, and F. So, be happy I care so much about your survival and marval at my ability to swallow pride!" Bailie plopped down on the bed next to me. 

        "Your ability has been noted and catalogged." I nodded and opened my dictionary. "Which book did you get?" 

        "Catalogging Monsters from 85 AD to Presant Day. In Which You Will Find Several Monsters Old and New Since Monster Have Been Recording Themselves. Comes With Diagrams, Drawings, Labels, and Personal Notes From the Author."  I kid you not, that was the title. All of it, in all it's glory. That was the title. Monster books had a tendancy to go a bit overboard on things like titles. In fact, it was nothing short of a miracle that she found a book with that short a title. 

        "I just got a dictionary." I showed her the cover, which was barley visable with all the gold script that was the title taking it up. 

        "Alright then, I baisically ruined my image for you. So you best open that book and start reading while I read this and swallow a tad bit more of my pride so save you." She opened the book and started to read. So I did the same. 

        I was pretty lucky to have an Idol that cared about my survival so much. I heard her mutter some random words as she read. "Not a ghost.....nope.......doesn't have the right ears.......can''t born in Africa.............Oh! Yes!.....nope nevermind......nope......." I ignored her and continued my reading. 

        The book overall was like a standard dictionary, starting with A and ending with Z, but it had less details and more baisic information. Instead of physical details, the book mainly described origin and if humans catagorized them as good or bad. As far as I knew, I could be a lepurchaun's great grand-daughter since I have some Irish in me. 

        I was on the fourth page of the title of the "C" section when Bailie scream oh so triumphantly. "I GOT IT! I GOT IT! i SAVED YOUR LIFE~ I SAVED YOUR LIFE~" When she had finished her proud little happy chant, she shoved the book in my face. Litteraly, my face made contact with the pages. 

        "I can't see it this close Bailie." I muffled through the pages. 

        "Oh yeah! Here!" She showed me the book properly. "It's called a Baobhan Silth. Super rare but fits your description!" (quick AN: I did change the mythology of the Baobhan Silth a little bit to fix the story. The Baobhan Silth is in a ton of Scotish mythology and takes on the form of a beautiful woman. They are known to take travelers to secluded areas and use vampiric fangs to suck out blood or life force out of them. They are also known to have hoofs hidden by a white or green dress and have a natural fear of horses.) I looked on the page. 

        There was a picture of a beautiful woman in an emerald green dress. Her black hair was falling around her perfectly, framing her face. She was kneeling with a man laying his head on her lap. His eyes were wide in fear and some red blotches were on his shirt and the womans mouth. If I looked hard enough, I could see hooves poking out from under her dress. "Um, thanks for the complement but I don't think I look that-"

        "Shut up and let me explain!" She flipped the page to the description. "Silths don't develop their hooves, craving for blood/life force, and their supernatural beauty until they are of age. Which, to them, is right around 18-20 depending on the area. Until they are of age and recognized by an official companion or witch, they remain human with no abilities whatsoever! After they are recognized, they usualy go and live alone near travaling paths. They are almost never spotted unless they are going to social events or, in a more recent account, visiting a friend or family." She finished her explanation.

        "That does seem to work but how do we know? We don't know any witches and I'm not 18-20 years old. How am I going to justify it too? especially since the physical exams are coming up soon? We're required to use the whole monster form thing that you do. They even scheduled it on a full moon for the wherewolves!" I said. I wasn't trying to be argumentative, but this was my survival! I had to by sceptical a little bit!

        Bailie gave a look that could only be described as "I swear to God if you don't shut up right now and let me help you I will rip out your throat simply because I can." I backed off. "You," she began "are going to say to the docter that this is your natural form. I will back you up." 

        "How do you plan to do that?" I asked. 

        "A Companion is a close friend of another monster. Considering this school has the class system that it does, it is preparing F's and Idols for more serious Companionship. This means selectiong one to be 'forever friends' in a way. It's typically obvious with a seal, kind of like a tattoo. Since we're just in high school, it's typicall to have more than one less serious Companion. Honestly, wouldn't you know this? Study monster culture a little bit before you started hiding your identity?" She hit me lightly with the book. 

        "I wasn't really planning on all of this to happen! Up until a few months ago you were all human! Gosh, cut me a break!" I yelled playfully. I was only half insulted. 

        "Yeah yeah, I'm going to go to the mess hall. I think they have rabbit today." She said. 

        "Why are you so excited about half cooked rabbit?" I asked. I instantly regretted that question. 

        "I! Am! A! Wolf! Half cooked rabbit is delicious! You need to study up. For such a studier, how do you not know this?" She looked genuenly dissapointed. 

        I chuckled. "Yeah, sorry about that." 

        She smiled and shook her head. "Feel free to join me." She joked. Bailie and I both knew that the day I ate half cooked, slightly raw rabbit with her was the day I stood up in a school assembly and screamed about being human at the top of my lungs. 

        After the round of "Thank you"s and "goodbye"s I fell back on my bed. I was pretty tied. I guess a half coffee hangover could do that to you. I pictued the Baobhan Silth in my mind. Could I really be something that...rare? I shivered just thinking about it. 

        When I went to sleep, I dreamed that I actualy was the beautiful and rare. I have to say it was awesome. I drank the blood of foolish people that followed me into meadows. It was actually pretty fun! Don't judge dear reader because I can break the fourth wall and I know that you're thinking I'm weird. As the main character of a story ment only for the author's enjoyment, and the enjoyment of others, you best hunker down with the fact that I had a vampire dream and I liked it. Deal with it. 

        When I woke up, I realized it was Monday. "Oh for the love of- please no!" I got up and put on my uniform. A navy blue skirt and a white polo shirt with a tie and jacket. I liked the sweater more. I slipped the large sweater over my head and threw the jacket on a hook. I walked into class with little no expectations of what the typically boring day would bring me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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