New Arrival

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I had my alarm set for 8:30AM a bit early for my liking, but I was excited none the less. A Lot of hustle and bustle was already active in the lobby for the new arrival, i quickly got dressed in a tee and some shorts and got ready to slip out to help Pentious. It would be easy today thanks to everyone rushing around to get tasks done and since I was still rather new myself and still a guest at the hotel, even tho I worked on some days I wasn't yet expected to help with a new arrival It was mostly just so I could have a little extra money and pay for me rent in a way that didn't involve street racing. I walked to the lobby; Vaggie was screaming at Angel to behave and not be a flirty slut to the new guest. Husk looked like he could care less while drinking a beer at the bar, Nifty was zooming around cleaning the place, Charlie was fixing her suit to greet the newbie and Alastor seemed calm just standing around watching the chaos with his signature smile, he turned to Charlie to talk to her and I took that as my chance to slip away out the front door. I checked my phone 8:40AM more than enough time to walk a few blocks down the street to where Pents ship was at. I saw what I figured to be Charlies Dads limo pull up to the hotel as I was walking it must be the new guest, as rude as this was I didn't stay to greet them and kept walking I glanced back only to see the cars door open and the hotel door at the same time, I had to keep walking and hope no one looked down the street.

After walking a few blocks I was in front of Pentious ship i saw the limo drive by me and down the street to wherever her dads office was I guessed. I knocked on the ships doors and waited. A few seconds later the door slid up and the serpent smiled looking down at me. "Ah right on time, its nice to see a lady that knows how to arrive in a timely fashion" he said with a smile and tongue flick, "now come on we have work to do" he gestured me to come in and I walked in I felt a tad bit of heat in my cheeks but brushed it off and walked with him. We went back to the work room and I saw a few of the eggs running around and chasing each other with hammers and other tools messing around as usual. "how many of those things do you have?" I asked him watching one fall and roll taking two by standers out. "I used to have around Nine hundred maybe a few more" he paused "but I lost a lot of them when I tried to take over more truff then that blasted Alastor blew up my ship!" he hissed slamming his fist on the table making me jump. He sighed and rubbed his forehead "As you can tell I was able to salvage most of the ship without having to start all over but its still far from being able to attack the Pentagram any time soon and I only have around thirty eggs left." I looked at the eggs and asked him more hoping he wouldn't get too annoyed. "what are the eggs? are they demons? pets?" I asked watching them still. "Well actually they are like henchmen, they were made in a lab with a demon I know! hes more into mad science than inventing so he helped me out in the experiment! I really need to clone more now that ive lost most of them" he said a bit cheerfully maybe this poor guy didn't really have anyone to talk too other than these, clones? He cleared his throat and adjusted his hat that was smiling just a second ago now it had its one eye was furrowed in concentration. "I have not heard from him in a while, he was never much for social interaction or conversations that did not involve science... Anyways enough questions lets get back to work" he said tapping the blue print and the half built gun.

We both managed to finish the gun it took a but of tinkering, but we got it done. It was rather large but it had a working flame throwing attachment, and a taser function as well for close range stunning. Pentious looked over the gun and tested each function on a target he had set up in the room, each one worked and as the target burned an egg boy quickly threw a bucket of water to dowse the fire. "HA! I cant wait to vibe check other demons with this!" He smiled wickedly. I chuckled a bit to myself at his sudden use of modern slang. "What!?" He asked looking at me with a slight frown. "I used that correctly right?" I nodded "yeah you did it was just unexpected, your a great inventor too" i replied to him with a smile. He smiled back and I swear I saw a slight blush, he then adjusted his hat clearing his throat. "Im very proud of our work Dove! you have proven yourself very useful, Ill let you go home early today, but I want you here tomorrow so we can start on repairing the ship, in the mean time ill work on your car" he said and patted my head. "Same time tomorrow?" I asked looking up at him. He nodded "Same time tomorrow" he walked or slithered i guess, with me to the exit "see you tomorrow" i said giving him a small smile and wave as I walked back to the hotel, I guess id get to meet the new guest, thinking quick i popped into a small shop I was going to get a 'welcome to the hotel gift' for the new arrival to hopefully cover my tracks as to why I was gone. I looked down at my phone it was 2pm it would only take a couple of minutes anyways.

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