I'm Gonna Start A Fight!

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My alarm rang and I slammed my hand down on it groaning as I stumbled out of bed half asleep, I rubbed my face hard and went to get dressed pulling on long black pants and a grey sweater, I fixed my long curly hair and brushed my sharp teeth and got ready to slip out for the day. I creaked my door open and checked the halls all clear I stepped out and closed my door quietly, I walked as softly as I could past Baxter's room hoping he was still asleep and or didn't care about my whereabouts if he heard me. I was excited to see the snake demon again, but I had to keep quiet maybe the staff would think I was in my room all day if I slipped out without anyone seeing, I didn't want anyone questioning where I was going everyday, I feared they would make me stop seeing Pentious especially after he blew up part of the hotel and was not on good terms with Alastor. I took the stairs vs the elevator not wanting to make any sound or run into someone else using it no one used the stairs in this place, I peaked down the hall and saw and heard no one, I sprinted for the door, and flapped my wings a bit they didn't do much to lift me off the ground, I really didn't know how or if I could fly with these things, they worked great for keeping me warm when I wrapped them around myself and I could glide with them if I jumped from a high up place. As I slipped out the door it hit me, I had an end room so my window faced the street, I could hop out of my window and glide down to the ground and not have to walk through the hotel, but I could really get hurt if I messed up it was on the sixth floor after all. I thought, as I walked down the street to Pentious ship. I smiled excited to start working with him, I ringed the doorbell to the ship and waited. A few moments after the snake demon opened the door and smiled, "Good Morning Dove, its nice to Ssssee you again" he smiled gesturing for me to come in. "Its nice to see you too" I said back and smiled. He lead me to the main control room where the big windshield looked over the streets, I could see a few more holes in the ship in this area in various places now that I got a good look at it and it's Victorian area flare as well. Some areas were boarded up and waiting to be properly welded and patched. The Egg bois scurried around cleaning up shards of glass and metal. Pentious pulled me to the side of the ship where a few small holes were, it was low enough for me to reach but to high for the egg bois to reach. "Now all I really need you to do is hold the medal in place while I weld" He said handing me a welding mask and some long gloves to protect my hands. I put them both on and we started on the holes that were ground level that we could both reach, there was a lot of small holes easily fixed and patched up with new pieces of medal. We got to work as soon as we were both dressed in our gear.

We were both welding till noon, at that time Pentious deiced it was time for a break, we where half way done with the ground level holes in the control room. "Why don't you join me for lunch Dove?" He asked me my ears twitched and I smiled, "O-only if you don't mind" I said a bit more shyly then I meant too. "Of course I don't mind, unlike most demons in hell I still have class" he said adjusting his bow-tie. "Do you cook? or do your egg servants cook for you?" I asked as he slithered beside me down the long hall and opened a door that lead to the ships kitchen. "Id never eat anything those fried chicken fetus made, I die AGAIN if I ate anything they whipped up!" I laughed and he laughed along brushing his hood he went on "I do cook, but i'm not the best at it, but it gets me by, along with just ordering food." he said, I smiled and perked up "oh! I love too cook, I did a lot of cooking when I was alive and I even get to cook at the hotel, I wouldn't mind cooking us a meal one day, its the least I could do for ya and maybe we could even do it together." I said smiling at him, he smiled back and his hat seemed to blush? if that was possible. "That would be...nice" he purred as his tongue flicked out and he went to his fridge. "I hope ham and cheese sandwiches are okay, ive been a bit to busy to cook anything myself lately or go to the store.", "Sandwiches are good" I said sitting down at the table as he got the bread and other ingredients out. "So you don't like make only Victorian era food?" I asked playfully, he smiled "I do sometimes reminds me of home and when I was...alive, but ive adapted and come to like many different foods over the years, expect soda I hate soda." He paused for a bit while making the sandwiches, "what would you cook for us?" he said while slicing the sandwiches in half. "Well id love to make chicken parm, it was my favorite thing to eat when I was alive." I said smiling as he slithered over. "hhmm I don't think ive had that before." "Oh its just chicken breaded and baked with tomato sauce and spaghetti" I said, as he sat down and handed me my plate I thanked him. "Hmm, I don't think ive had chicken like that before but ive had spaghetti, I wouldn't mind trying it." He smiled. I waited for him to take a bite, i was wondering if he chewed his food or just ripped it off and chunks and swallowed it whole like snake would, he bit into it and chewed then swallowed so that answered my question. I took a bite of my sandwich and chewed it was just a plain ham and cheese sandwich nothing special but still good, then an idea popped into my head I smiled, "Lets make a Deal Sir Pentious, I will make us chicken parm, but you have to help me make it deal?" I asked holding out my hand to him, he rolled his eyes but I saw a playful look in his eyes and a slight smirk on his face while his hat was grinning giving him away; he took my hand and shook it "You got yourself a deal missy" he said in a playful tone. We were almost done eating when I remembered something I wanted to ask Pentious, "Hey Pentious what was the name of the Scientist that helped you make the Egg Bois?" He cleaned his mouth with a napkin as he had just finished his food, "oh? well his name was Baxter hes an angler fish demon, why do you ask?" he lifted a brow at me and tilted his head a bit, I gulped feeling a bead of sweat form, "n-no reason I was just curios." he shrugged and got up while I smiled and ate the rest of my food. But on the inside I was mentally screaming, this confirmed that the new guest at the hotel was indeed the same scientist that Pentious had mentioned before.

I cleaned off the table, since Pentious made lunch, and we were both about to head back into the main control room when we both heard a loud crash coming from there. Pentious hood flared open and he hissed, "If those idiot eggs broke something I swear!" he hissed out slithering to the main control room,I followed him out close behind. We entered the open room and a cyclops demon stood in the middle the big windshield broken, "I JUST HAD THAT FIXED YOU WHORE!" he spat hissing. The cyclops demon laughed and tossed a bomb in her hand "does that piss you off old man?" she smirked and noticed me "who's the bitch? some prostitute you paid to sleep with you?" her grin got bigger. I huffed and growled my wings flew open I was about to throw a come back at her but Pentious spoke first. "Id NEVER stoop to such LOW levels!" Sir Pentious hissed and grabbed the gun we had both made and fried at her. She jumped back and tossed her bomb at us it blew up around us in a puff of pink glittering smoke. We both coughed a bit, then Pentious switched settings on his gun to the taser mode and fried, it landed and shocked the demon causing her to screech in pain and hit the ground, I quickly ran and half fluttered over with a flap of my wings and used my huge talon feet to trap her, gripping her head in my talons, my purple eyes blazing "Now what did you call me?" I growled squeezing her head in my grasp a little bit. "A prostitute!" she chuckled. I put more pressure on her head and she winced in pain as Pentious slithered over, "Get off my ship you whore and go bug someone else!" He hissed. She laughed "Make me Edge Lord!" Pentious smiled at me with the gun in his hand, I knew what he was thinking and removed my talons as he shocked her again this time on a higher setting, she wailed in pain and shivered, "Alright alright, i'm going" she said scowling as she walked off "Have fun with your little whore!" She smiled and laughed as she ran off. Pentious shot a bullet at her and it just missed her by an inch or two as she ran away; "Who was that?" I asked, he frowned "That was Cherri Bomb shes an enemy of mine." he pinched the bridge of his nose, well where his nose would be anyways. The egg bois came tumbling into the room a few moments later. "WHERE WERE YOU?!" He hissed at them, the eggs flinched back and one spoke up "t-taking a nap Sir-" he got cut off as he was slapped  with sharp red claws "You were SLEEPING instead of helping us fight!" he fussed, then he sighed, "Alright Dove lets just finish the holes here on ground level and call it a day" I nodded and put my gloves and mask back on as we got to work and finished patching the holes on ground level that we could reach. We finished up around 7PM, I was ready to go back to the Hotel and have a lot hot shower at this point. I took off my gloves and mask as we were done, Pentious looked tired "Well that's all for today,ill see you tomorrow Dove" he said I got ready to leave but he stopped me "wait! here's the pass code to get into the ship just enter it on the keypad outside to get in when you arrive" he wrote down five numbers on a slip of paper and handed it to me. "Now don't share that with anyone!" I smiled glad he trusted me with what was basically the keys to enter his ship. "Don't worry I won't I promise" I said as I stuffed it into my pocket. We both said our goodbyes as I left the ship and walked to the hotel with a smile on my face.  

(Sir Pentious POV)
I watched as she left and sighed, I had deiced to give her the code to the ship today. She sided with me in a fight against one of my biggest rivals, she could have easily turned on me then and there and free herself from our deal and take the ship, but instead she jumped right into battle with me and helped me defeat Cherri, I knew I could trust her. She wasn't like other demons something about her was different, almost like she didn't really belong here in hell. I went to take a shower when I noticed the Egg bois were all staring at me grinning. "WHAT?" I hissed. One of them spoke up "oooo you like her!" he laughed along with the others joining in as my face heated up, I slithered past them and slapped him with my tail, that would shut him and the rest of the eggs up. 

(Dove POV)
I pulled out the slip of paper wondering what the code to the ship was and the numbers read 78320, I stuffed the paper back into my pocket and slowly opened the hotel door and walked in. Everyone would be at dinner right now I got stupid lucky with that timing;  so I quickly rushed up the stairs and turned the corner to walk down the hall and to my room, when I nearly ran into Baxter and almost squealed. The fish demon rolled his eyes. "H-hey Baxter" I said my ears twitching nervously. He didn't look amused. "where did you go this morning?" he said in a flat tone "uuuuhhhh..." I deadpanned. "Don't act like you didn't slip away, I saw you leave this morning well more like sneak off" he crossed his arms raising a brow. "No where important why do you care?" I nearly choked on the words trying not to panic. Baxter rolled his eyes getting irritated, "the others asked about you and I lied and said you were in you room not feeling well and didn't wan't to be bothered." I narrowed my eyes "but why?" that didn't seem like a thing he would do. "You got me a notebook and no one has ever really gotten me any kind of gift since I got down here in hell, but DON'T expect me to cover for you again this was a one time thing!" he snapped,he was annoyed at me, he turned to his room door and went in slamming the door in the process. I flinched, he didn't seem like the type to rat me out if he knew, but I wasn't sure if I trusted him enough or could even trust him not to tell the others where I went everyday, but I might have to consider it, if I want to keep getting away with this kind of thing.I was leaving everyday and It would only be a matter of time before someone noticed.  Plus having a new friend never hurt i'd really have to think about it. I went into my room and took a long hot shower, then got dressed for bed and settled in I was very tired even tho it was only 8PM. I feel asleep quickly, into a dreamless sleep. 

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