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I would honestly love to have kids with him but im not sure if he wants any but im not just gonna assume but im up here its 2:04 in the morning i cant sleep for some reason and alex is sleeping and henry is sleeping to so i get up and go to the kitchen and make me something to eat cause im obviously hungry so i made me a peanut butter sandwich lowkey bussin bussin:)but then i hear henry get downatairs"hey big boy why you up?""im tired can you make mr some milk please:')"he says with his sleep voice he sounds sick"henry come here please"he comes to me and i put my hand on his head fuck hes burning up i say to myself so i go get the ibuprofen and give him some and put him to sleep i really hope he gets better he's not gonna be in a good mood if he is sick poor baby:'(but the next morning alex wakes me up and tells me to go check on henry so i do and he looks worse then last night so i call gala and tell her she told me to take him in so i do well me and alex we go a couple hours later we get out and they said he's fine he just needs to rest he has a fever and he'll be grumpy and sad cause he'll be in pain:(but i'll do my best to help get better"hey baby ill do my best to help him get better ok:)""ok amor thank you"i smile in return then once we arrive we see galas car parked and we take henry to her and shr said she'll take him"can we keep him please:(""are you sure?""yes ill take care of him:)""ok if you insist mija pedo just know he is gonna be a little mean""its ok:) i got this""yes mama she does:)"we take him and she goes home he'll be sleeping for a while since he dont feel good...

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