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"Jesse, why did you and the others not kill me that night?" They all know which night she means. She was fair game, she wasn't the sacrifice, she should have been killed and they all know it.

"Carlo, Desanto and Santo were already there by the time I got there. They had already claimed you and warned me off. I was prepared to kill you and deal with them later, but when I looked at you I had to talk to you first. After that, well there was no way I could kill you. You were given to us, our gift, our treasure. You rapidly became our heart. With you accepting us and allowing us to mark you in a claiming, you became our princess." Jesse tells her holding her to him, but letting his arms relax so that she could leave if she wished.

"Do you ever regret it, Jesse?"

"I thought Jesse would fight us, he hated humans and only dealt with the sacrifices when it was his turn to take the sacrifice." Carlo tells Esme when Jesse doesn't speak.

Jesse gives Carlo an angry look. "Jesse has hated humans since the day he was turned, the only exceptions was Carlo before he was ordered to kill him." Desanto tells Esme, they all then notice the tears.

"Hey, we didn't mean to make you cry, Esme," Santo says distressed at them making her cry.

"You have regretted me coming and claiming me?" Esme whispers in the loaded silence of the room.

"No, Little one, none of us have regretted claiming you even once. You are the only human that has done more than given us a short time of relief from our lust. One mouthful of your blood satisfies us more than draining one of the slaves." Jesse assures her.

"It even works on me, I have less need of sex to survive." Santo tells her and goes over to her. He runs his finger over her face much like Areon had done earlier.

Only this time it created feelings in Esme that she's never felt before. There is an immediate stiffening in all the vampires in the room. "Esme," Jesse groans out.

He lowers his face to her neck and runs his lips across her neck. It isn't the first time he's done that. All of them drink from her daily after all, but again she reacts far differently than she ever has before.

"Shit," she hears one of them say but is so lost to the feelings that are coming over her that she can't tell which one of her boys said it.

"Esme, tell me to stop or we will all be with you before the night ends." Esme hears the sound of Jesse's voice, but it sounds as if it comes from a distance and is distorted.

She feels kisses trailing along her throat and when she doesn't answer lips descend onto her lips. Then she couldn't say anything to save her life.

The next few hours pass in a haze of intense pleasure and internal heat. The next time she comes to herself she finds herself in Jesse's bed. All four of the vampires surround her. She smiles and falls back asleep.

"Esme," Esme hears then feels lips kissing her bare skin. She sighs and repositions herself so that whoever is kissing her has easier access. "Esme," the voice comes again and this time she opens her eyes.

"Love," Jesse smiles at her and caresses her cheek. "How do you feel?"

"Tired, a bit sore, but oh so satisfied." Esme smiles at her protector.

"Would you permit us to mark you again?" Jesse asks seriously. The smile he had worn earlier now gone with the question.

"Why would you need to mark me again? Is not the claiming mark still visible?"

Carlo bends over and kisses her, "Of course it is, love, but he's not asking about a claiming mark."

Esme allows her face to show her confusion as she looks at the two vampires nearest her. "Then what mark are you talking about?"

"He is asking if you will allow us to mark you as our mate." Desanto chimes in while Santo skips talking and just starts touching and kissing her. He had more feeding from last night than he'd had in some time. It had never been so good for him and he wants more.

Esme stills as their words penetrate. At her reaction even Santo stops his seduction. She needs to make this decision without them influencing her.

"I thought a vampire could only have one mate?" Esme asks, she was sure that was what she was taught in her classes that she took.

"They can't, but you aren't a vampire, love, you are still human." Jesse responds wanting, aching to kiss her again. Her response last night had brought home just how grown up his little one had become. He's not sure what he'll do if she won't accept the markings.

"All of you want me to be your mate?" Esme asks once more to clarify and make sure that there is no room for misinterpretation.

"Yes, love, we all want you for our mate." Carlo says and once more kisses her body.

"How exactly will that work when you take the throne, Jesse? You can't have a queen that is also mates to your brothers."

Jesse smiles at her, "I would be able to do what ever the fuck I damn well please. If I want a mate that is also mates with my brothers," Jesse takes the time to kiss Desanto, "then I will have a mate that is also mates with my brothers."

"What do you say, princessa? Do you accept us as your mates?" Carlo asks and they all hold their breath waiting for her to reply.

"I," she can't say anything more. 

"If you don't want to, we will understand. But we would prefer to have you mated to us. We aren't likely to let you find a human to mate with. Jesse about destroyed his desk when I mentioned it to him yesterday. For better or worse you are ours."  Santo tells her softly.

"Ahh, the reason for the walk down memory lane and you telling me your history, all of you guys' history." Esme says contemplatively.

"I won't share you with other females if I do this. That means you too, Santo. I won't have you being fed from another woman." 

Esme looks at all of them, "I will only allow you to be with those that are here right now." 

The vampires don't react at first then her words sink in and they smile.

Jesse takes lead initiative and kisses her. Finding his claiming mark on her neck he bites her again as he enters her and it changes to a mates mark. The same distinctive mark takes place in the same spot on his neck as his mark finds it way on her neck.

Carlo is next and the same happens to him.

The twins each take their turns and bite her arms. Each time their mark appears it appears in the corresponding location of the one giving it.

When they finish they are all exhausted and fall back asleep.

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