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When Esme doesn't hear back from Jesse after a couple of hours she looks for Benjamin. "Ben, I'm not wanted here any more. It's time for me to leave." Esme says heavily and is desperately trying to keep from crying once more. If she starts she's sure that she won't leave. She can't stay here where that bitch is taking over.

She can't take the boys ignoring her. It's killing her. 

"I'll pack my things. It shouldn't take me very long. Where are we going, princess?"

His kind words are all that she needs to break her fragile control. Benjamin takes her into his arms. He knows that she would prefer the arms of one of the vampire lords or even his alpha but he does the best he can to help the fragile human.

"I'm no longer the princess or even a lady, Benjamin. I've over stayed my welcome here. If your people will still accept me even if I'm no longer wanted by the vampires then we'll go there. If not you can just escort me to one of the human villages. One far away from the castle. I don't want to chance running into one of them." Try as she might she can't hold back all the pain she feels at her words.

Benjamin stills at her words. "You will always be welcome among my people, and you will always be considered a lady by us, no matter what the vampires do or say." Benjamin tries to reassure her.

Esme smiles bitterly, "And if they order me put to death?"

Benjamin takes in a shocked breath, "It would never come to that, Esme. They love you, from the first I've saw them with you they loved you."

"Yeah, that was then. Now they refuse to even be in the same room as me. They have that new bitch and I'm not needed."

"I'll be ready within an hour, my Lady." Benjamin has no other words to give her. Esme nods disconsolately and leaves Benjamin to his packing. She will take nothing with her other than the clothes on her back. Just as she arrived. She has no doubt that the bitch will be more than happy to take her jewels and clothes, since they are of a size.

Esme takes the time to track down Jesse. It takes some time since he wasn't in either his room or the study. She finally finds him outside in the garden. This makes her even more bitter. Jesse dislikes the pain that comes from being in the sun and avoids it almost as much as Carlo.

"Jesse, I need to talk to you, please." Esme does her best to keep her feelings from her voice. Jesse immediately stands and excuses himself from the bitch and her other mates.

Hoping that she is wrong she goes to touch his face and he shies away from her hand. Tears once more fill her eyes. She fights for control of her emotions before she loses it. Jesse just waits patiently for her to speak.

Benjamin is just coming down the stairs as she starts speaking and so he hears everything that she says and how painful it is for her to say it. "I want you to remove all the marks you and your brothers have made." The mate marks shouldn't be that easily removed but since by their actions the others have rejected her she has no doubt that her request will be sufficient to remove the mate marks as well.

"I will then leave so you, Carlo, Desanto, and Santo will be able to find happiness with Sandra. I have over stayed my welcome here. I won't stay any longer." That last was said in a voice just over a whisper. "All I want is for you all to be happy."

Unnoticed by them all the other vampires had entered as well. They stand there and listen but don't say anything.

Esme looks behind Jesse and sees them and can't hold back the tears. "I love you all too much to stay where I'm no longer wanted."

"As you wish, Esmeralda." Jesse says emotionlessly. Then he starts the process of removing the claiming marks. That was painful, but when he started on the mating marks that was excruciating. Not just to Esme, but to the others as well.

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