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Violet's POV

It's been a while since I got the phone call. That's if you consider seventeen minutes a while. I have my first meeting with everyone today at noon.

I reached over and grabbed my phone which was laying across the bed. I picked it up and pressed the power button leading me to my lock screen. 1:19 am. Great.

I gazed up at the white holiday lights which were wrapped around my room at the top of the walls. I muted my tv and buried myself in the duvet, craving more sleep. And chocolate. But mostly sleep. I shut my eyes and drifted off into a world where I wouldn't have to fake date anyone.

The light shining through my windows unpleasantly filled my room, waking me up. I have two hours until I have to go to the meeting.

I threw the covers off and decided to take a shower. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about how today would go. Louis is gonna think I'm way too ugly and like flip the table or something.

After my shower, I wandered into my closet and got dressed. Since it's fall, I decided to wear a cream colored slightly baggy sweater, black leggings, and tan uggs moccasins. I straightened my long brown hair and applied a small amount of eyeliner and some mascara.

I put my phone and a granola bar in my purse and headed out the door of my house. I was the only one awake so far. I didn't know that for sure but the house is so big it echoes so I think I would hear.

I began to walk downtown since it's just down the street. I saw the large sign which read Modest! Management, London Branch. I pushed in the glass door and checked in.

The long halls had glass walls and glass doors with a triangle pattern. I walked into the small waiting room outside conference room three. Eleanor was the only person there.

"Hi, you must be Violet. I'm Eleanor." she said, sticking her hand out to shake mine. "You will leave my boyfriend alone. I know you have to do your little job but in no way will you develop feelings for him. Ever. And if you even thi-"

She paused due to Louis' arrival. Did she just threaten me?

Louis' POV

Sitting next to my girlfriend was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Knock it off Louis, you have Eleanor, your lovely and beautiful girlfriend. I walked up to her and introduced myself

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