Spice It Up - One Shot

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Rob's POV.

Her pussy clenches around my dick and I grit my teeth, trying my hardest to hold off the orgasm that desperately wants to take hold. I don't want to cum yet, we only just got started. I hate that I cum so quickly now, there was a time when we were having sex so regularly, I could last for hours.

Okay, maybe not hours, but at least one hour.

I'm not blaming my wife for my poor performance, it's just that when we don't have sex that often, I lose my tolerance and can't last as long. It's embarrassing, I want to last a good amount of time and draw out the pleasure for her, I don't want to be a three-pump wonder.

I grab her thigh and hitch her leg higher, allowing me to fuck her more deeply. She grimaces and I pull back, worried I've hurt her.

"I'm not as flexible as I used to be," she complains.

I quickly pull her leg down to its original position and continue fucking her in the missionary position. It doesn't matter whether her leg is up or down, it still feels good to me. I thrust faster and harder, watching her face so that I can read her expression and see if she likes what I'm doing. She has a thoughtful expression on her face, like she's concentrating on something.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask her between thrusts.

Her eyes flicker to mine and narrow in a pensive way.

"Do we have milk for tomorrow?"

I freeze mid-thrust, thinking I must have heard her wrong.

No way did she just ask about fucking milk in the middle of sex.

"Excuse me?"

She lifts herself up on her elbows and looks at me seriously.

"Do we have any milk in the fridge? I can't remember."

My mouth drops open. On instinct, I pull away from her. My dick slides from her pussy and hangs between my legs as I sit up and back on my heels.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Caroline?"

"What?" She demands and sits up too.

She pulls the duvet up so that it covers her body, not that she was naked to begin with, she never takes her pyjamas off during sex anymore. She wears oversized t-shirts to bed and trying to get them off her is a hopeless endeavour.

"Are you seriously asking about fucking milk when we're having sex?"

She narrows her eyes at me, she hates it when I swear. Well, I hate it when she isn't present during sex.

"I'm sorry but we ran out of bread today, which means the kids will have to have cereal for breakfast and they can't have it if we don't have any milk."

"That's not the point, I can't believe you're thinking about that shit whilst we're having sex."

She huffs and holds the duvet tighter to her chest.

"I'm sorry Rob, but I have a million things to think about, it's hard to get in the zone when I've got so much to remember and sort."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Yes, she does an awful lot for our children, she's an incredible mother, but she needs to have down time, part of the day where she can switch off and forget all of that.

"This is supposed to be our time together, you need to not think about that stuff and be present in the moment," I tell her.

Even I can hear how exasperated I sound, she can hear I'm frustrated. She looks down, looking guilty for the first time.

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