Marine- One Shot

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Nyla's POV.

'Sorry, I'm late!' I apologise as I approach the girls in the bar. 

The three of them are stood around a high table, sipping on cocktails.

They greet me and I come round to kiss their cheeks. Sasha gets into the queue at the bar to get me a drink whilst I shrug my jacket off and hang it over the back of one of the bar chairs. I put my handbag down and slide onto the chair.

'So, what have I missed?' I ask excitedly and the girls share a mischievous look.

'Oh, not much,' Iris says casually, and I can tell she's lying through her teeth.

'Yeah, nothing really.' Emma grins and I narrow my eyes at them.

'Here's your drink, honey.' Sasha slides a cosmopolitan in front of me and I slip a fiver into her hand.

'Thank you, babe.' I take a sip of my delicious cocktail and study each of their faces.

My three best friends, who also happen to be my work colleagues.

We all work as sales executives for a furniture company in our city. Chloe and Iris have known each other for years, but Sasha and I joined the company two years ago and the four of us have been firm friends ever since.

Sasha has dyed silver hair in a cute bob, pixie-like features and a bubbly personality to match. Chloe has fire engine red hair, icy blue eyes and is a wild as...well, a wildcat. Iris has deep black hair in long curls, like Cher and laughing brown eyes. 

Me? I've got the only green eyes of the group, and golden blonde hair that reaches my waist in waves, it makes me feel like Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.

'Come on, spill, what's going on?' I demand and Iris giggles, the other two join in.

Honestly, you would not think that they are all adults with the way they act.

Chloe flicks her hair over her shoulder and then smirks. 'We figured out what your forfeit is going to be,' she announces triumphantly.

I groan and my heart sinks.

I was hoping they'd forget.

Every quarter of the year, whoever gets the most sales, receives a bonus from the company. For some strange reason, the girls decided that the person must also pay a forfeit for beating her/his friends. This quarter, it's me. My win was announced two weeks ago and I was really hoping they'd forgotten all about it.

I close my eyes briefly and then face them. I straighten up and brace myself.

'Okay, hit me, what is it?'

Sasha grins and her eyes twinkle with mischief. 'Turn around,' she suggests. 

Both confused and curious, I turn in my chair.

I scan the busy bar, wondering what they could mean. My eyes land on six butch men, laughing and playing pool.

'They're marines.' Iris winks at me. 'I overheard them talking, they're on leave, just got back two days ago,' she nudges me suggestively.

Whilst the men are distracted, I take the opportunity to check them out. They're not your average Royal Navy, they're Marines and it shows. They all are ripped and muscular which they exhibit nicely with tight t-shirts. They all have the military haircut, cropped short with a fade on the side.

Watching them laugh and push each other about playfully, it's honestly like someone has just put together most women's (and some men's) wet dreams.

Military men. Tight clothing. Attractive and playful.

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