Day 1 - Going Abroad/After Work

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Today was finally the day. Class 1-A was going on their class trip to the US to observe the difference between Japanese and American heroes. Izuku was overflowing with excited energy to go see new heroes in action and add to his hero analysis. Especially in a place where All Might himself had been. His cheerful attitude was infectious. Even Todoroki caught some of his energy and seemed more cheerful than usual.
"Excited much, Deku?" Uraraka said with slight sarcasm. She could tell based on how he was literally bouncing on his heels with excitement.
"Yeah! Of course! I get to go see new heroes in action. And in a place where All Might himself studied. Isn't that so cool?" He asked cheerfully.
"I guess I'm pretty excited too. And you're right, that is pretty cool." Uraraka smiled.
Aizawa strolled lazily in front of the group of students.
"All right, class," his tone was muted and drowsy, "We'll be boarding the plane in fifteen minutes. Make sure all your stuff is together and don't be late."
Izuku continued to mutter on about heroes and quirks and Uraraka just giggled and smiled at his dorky analysis on heroes.
As Izuku boarded the plane he sat down in his seat and Todoroki sat next to him. They had arranged to sit together earlier as most students did. They chatted about classes, heroes and various other topics. Occasionally, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu, who were sitting behind them, would join in on their conversation.
As they were rounding up on the third hour on the plane, it was becoming night time. They had left later in the day so night came fairly soon. Various couples were passed out. Kacchan was leaning on Kirishima's shoulder completely passed out. Kaminari was passed out on Jiro's lap. Mina and Hagakure, though they weren't actually dating, were also passed out on each other's shoulders.
Yaoyorozu was starting to yawn.
"Hey, do you want me to see if I can switch seats with Todoroki so you can sleep on him?" Izuku heard Uraraka whisper to Yaoyorozu.
"Mhm," she mumbled.
Uraraka tapped Todoroki's shoulder.
"Hey, Todoroki, your girlfriend wants to snuggle with you. You wanna switch seats?"
"Sure, Midoriya, are you okay with that?" Todoroki turned to him.
"Yeah, no problem," Izuku said.
Uraraka stood up and swapped seats with Todoroki.
"Hey, Deku, watcha doing?" She leaned into him looking at his phone.
He was suddenly aware of how close she was to him.
"Ah, um, I'm just listening to some music, you wanna listen too?" He asked nervously.
"Sure," she said as she took one side of his earbuds from his outstretched hand. She placed the earbud in her ear and listened.
The music he was listening to was soft and peaceful. She allowed herself to be consumed by the serene melody. She closed her eyes and leaned back in her seat. She began to drift off.
Izuku was disturbed from his thoughts when he felt a soft something hit his shoulder. He looked over and found Uraraka sleeping on his shoulder. He panicked a bit, not knowing what to do. He looked over at her peaceful face. Her lips were curled into a soft smile. Her soft cheeks were smushed up against his shoulder. Her bangs were swept to the opposite side.
He became aware of the blush that had crept onto his cheeks. He smiled at her. He leaned his head on top of hers. He could smell the sweet scent of her shampoo on her hair. He closed his eyes and thought about the beautiful girl that was leaning against him. He had always tried to suppress the feelings he felt for her. He was worried about it interfering with their goals of being heroes. But small moments like this happened and made him feel like some of the potential interference would be more than worth it to just be able to be with her.
He wasn't particularly good with feelings and he often worried about things more than most people would. Something about Uraraka just made him feel more confident in his decisions. He really loved her sweet and cheerful demeanor.
His eyes felt heavier as he drifted off to sleep leaning on his adorable long-term crush, unaware of the girl he was leaning on felt the same way.
Needless to say, Mina, who had woken up before them, fangirled over them and took lots of pictures to which she showed to Uraraka, much to her embarrassment.

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